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I walked into the all white room glancing around to make sure nothing was . . . off.

The almost blindingly bright lights were placed the same distance apart giving off the light. The two all white beds each having the same white sheets and white pillows lay opposite from each other. But the one thing that caught my eye was the light reflecting almost perfectly off of the shinny cold steel of the many scalpels, needles, and pliers.

I kept my eyes on the equipment as the man ushered me to one of the two beds that released a loud groan from the many springs inside the mattress. I finally took my eyes off of the metal tools and fixed my gaze on the man before me.

"So" he asked as if expecting me to ask thousands of questions.

I tilted my head to the side. Looking at him as if saying 'what?' Then I cleared my throat and said "well, I'm ready."

A smile flashed across his face but it wasn't sweet or comforting. No. It was almost a look of deranged insanity but it was gone as soon as it arrived. "Just relax I'll be back in a minute" and with that he shuffled out of the room from a different room that we came in.

I sat and folded my arms across my chest hugging myself. What am I getting myself into? I thought looking down at my lap.

A minute passed, two, three. I was about to stand up when the door swung open, this time reveling a woman. Her oil black hair was pulled back into a pony tail. Her steel eyes were trained on me seeming to gaze into my soul behind her thick glasses.

"You must be the one they call Dagger" he voice ripped through the silence of the room in a harsh tone making me squeeze tighter onto myself.

Her eyes softened for a second showing me some sympathy for all that I've been through today. She doesn't know the half of it I thought looking at her as she walked closer to me. She stopped at the table that had the shinning objects on it. She grabbed two things and took another step to me, then another and another.

In around five steps she halved the distance between us. What she was holding became clearer the closer she got to me. She was gripping a elastic band in one hand and a big needle in the other.

I scooted back in the bed until I felt the edge. I was looking at her. My eyes darting back and forth between her and the needle. I could deal with a lot of things but I didn't enjoy the feeling of a needle being jammed into my arm.

She finally got to where I was sitting and bent down to become eye level with me. "Do you have any questions before I begin?" Her voice came out smother this time all the harshness suddenly disappearing from her vocie.

I steadied myself allowing my body to relax at the gentle tone that he used. "Yes" I said my voice sounding weird as the sound waves bounced off the walls and back at me.

"Okay, what is it?"

"How long?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Well, the man told me that it would cloud my emotions. So, how long will it last?"


That put me a little on edge. I don't know if I wanted my emotions gone . . . for good. But than again, I hated the feeling that group A made me feel. The betrayal, even if I didn't see it myself it still hurt. And I think if I have to face them again, I WILL go insane. "Okay, will it hurt?"

She just smiled which looked odd based on how she came into the room.She shook her head, "no, you'll feel much better after."

I closed my eyes taking a deep breath in and opening my mouth letting the breath out. "Okay, I'm ready."

I felt her cold hands wrap around my arm and I instinctively pulled away. She moved her hands away and looked at me. I sighed and gave her an apologetic look and then gave her my arm. She tied the elastic band around my bicep and grabbed the needle. I looked at the clear liquid in the tube. It looked a lot like water.

She put out two fingers and felt around about an inch under the band. She seemed to find something and then stuck the needle into a vein. I flinched a little but relaxed again telling myself that I was fine.

She pushed the liquid into my system and I felt a slight burning feeling. It seemed to travel through my system until it hit my brain. Everything shut down for a second. Running in slow motion. I felt my emotions drain and then . . . nothing.

She must have seen something different in me because she asked "how do you feel?"

I blinked staring at her "fine, why?"

She just shrugged "your eyes just seemed to cloud over, I assume that's normal though."

Instead of feeling scared, I felt nothing again. "I assume it is." Was all I said.

She looked at me and nodded "well, are you ready for the next step?"


"Now that you're ready, it's time to start the next trial. The boys just got here so we should be getting you ready."

I expected myself to react, to feel something but once again. I felt. Nothing.


Okay peps, I am so happy you guys like my story. I don't know why but my account isn't letting me comment so I just wanted to say how happy I am that you guys like it. Keep it up, I love to hear from you guys. K, bye bye peps.

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