Brake Down and then Being Rebuilt

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~Minho's POV~

I laid down in my hammock, I couldn't go to sleep, I couldn't stop thinking about Dagger, why'd she do it? Is it really all my fault? I miss her so much. I took deep breaths trying to steady myself before I stood up, I had to get something to eat, I couldn't do this forever, and I knew that.

I let out a long sigh and slung my legs over the side forcing myself to stand up. The door swung open reviling Alby standing there with his arms crossed over his chest "good, you're finally up."

I rolled my eyes and trudged forward "I'm just going to get something to eat, and then I'm coming back here."

He held me back pushing me away from the door. "You can't do this, the runners need your guidance, you need to start running again, build yourself up again, this is just sad."

I looked down at my hands, he was right, I needed to help the runners, and if not for me, then, for them.

I looked back up and nodded "you're right, I should help them, but first, I do need something to eat."

He smile and laughed a little "of course we can get you something to eat, and then you can get a good rest and start going running again tomorrow."

I nodded and walked out the door and into the mess hall where I saw Frypan, "hey, can I have something to eat?" I called out making him look up at me.

A smile spread across his face and he nodded "of course you can, it's nice to see the lead runner up again."

I laughed "yea, I just need to take my mind off of it for a while."

He nodded handing me a plate of food, "yea." Was all he said before walking back over to the kitchen. I sat down and started eating I just need to keep my mind off of it I kept thinking as I bit into the bread.

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