That Morning

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~Minho's POV~

I couldn't get any sleep, I just couldn't wait for the doors to open again, to see if she was okay. I had to see Dagger again, I. . . I don't really know why.

I slowly paced back and forth waiting, I checked the time using the sun, it was about two minutes left until the doors would open up again.

I heard the door crack open, I spun around in order to see who it was. It was Alby.


"What is it Alby?" I said my teeth clenched.

"She's going to be fine, she's strong enough" he said trying to put me into a fake sense of security, or maybe it's so that I wouldn't start a revolution and break the system.

"But, what if she's not, what if she can't. . ." I trailed off from there not wanting to have to think about it, I don't want to have to dwell on the fact that she might be gone, that she really might be dead.

Just as Alby was about to talk again, the ground started to shake and I knew that was the doors opening. I bolted out of the room, without thinking, I ran to the walls, pushing through not even giving them time to fully open.

I fell to the ground, landing on my knees seeing her shirt, it was ripped in a bunch of different places, had the slime of a Griever all over it along with blood stains, I picked it up tears once again raising up and rolling off my cheeks.

"Minho, MINHO!" I turned around hearing my name getting called louder.

"She's gone" I said my voice barely audible.

I dropped the shirt to the ground walking out covering my face, Alby came by my side "I'm sorry."

I glanced at him "thanks, but I want to warn you, I'm not going to be a runner anymore" I said walking off back to the Glade leaving Alby shocked.

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