Open House Antics

Start from the beginning

After the video ended, the whole class erupted with the sound of clapping. I'd put my head in my arms, I'd written the song before...well, before what happened.

Eventually, class ended. I made my way outside and saw Rias and Akeno. Asia, Xenovia and I all walked over to say hi.

Y/n: "Rias!"

She turned to me and ran straight at me, eventually crashing into my arms and smashing her soft lips against my own. This illicited a few jealous stares from some of the boys...Then one of them decided to get ballsy.

This fucking idiot, was Adrian. A foreign exchange student from America. A total fucking piss ant.

Adrian: "hey, why you going around with this bum, babe?"

Y/n: "hmm, let's see. Maybe it's because, unlike yourself, I am a ffffffffucking intellectual, or maybe it's because I have enough self confidence to try and keep a relationship going, again, unlike yourself. Or perhaps it's because that crippling self doubt that you seem to have is what's fueling your ego even though your parents are probably incredibly disappointed in you and you will no doubt amount to nothing, why? Because you're that fucking stupid. Also, babe? Really? I call her that because she's my girlfriend, she's dating me, not you. So, why don't you take your shitty attitude, your piss ant pals, your crippling depression and, no doubt drug problems you shitty pleb, and fuck off?"

No words were said for a few seconds as Adrian backed away, he had no idea how badly I could roast someone. I could've gone further, but Samael burst out laughing and it would've attracted a crowd. In fact, fuck it, I decided that I was gonna keep this ball rolling.

Y/n: "ya know what, stay. I've got some shit to work out here. Let's restart this by commenting on your attitude, I mentioned that it was shitty, and that's a bit unfair to those with shitty attitudes, you sir, are fucking scum! You seem to think that because of your American upbringing that you can score any girl you want, guess what? Doesn't work like that, cock goblin! Besides, with your generic bad boy style, you'd only pick up cheap hookers that have nothing to live for, kinda like yourself. Returning to my previous point, you seem to think that you're more attractive than most guys in this school when, in reality, you couldn't attract a group of school kids, even if you had candy or free wifi, they take one look at you and say, 'hell fucking no' mostly because, your every weebs worst nightmare, the ugly bastard."

At this point, my father, Samael, was on the ground wheezing with laughter. As was my adoptive dad. My mothers were watching me deliver this verbal assassination with wide eyes and an amused smirk from Allia.

Adrian: "I..."

Y/n: "uh, uh, uh! Not done yet, ass clown. I can tell just by looking at you that I've basically hit every nail in the head here, so let's just seal that empty coffin that is your reputation. Because I sit next to a pair of fuckwad perverts, I can tell what kind of shit a guy's into just by looking at him and let me tell you, you are one fucked up guy. Besides the classic big breasts category, you also like to visit that gay side of things every once in a while, not to mention the fact that you've probably got furry porn eating up your search history as well as vore and BDSM and step-sister because you are just so depraved that you can't even think straight without going back to your roots by being Alabama incarnate and trying to shoot at something, you lazy, loud mouthed, piece of shit, head ass, mother fucking, ass clown, piss ant, garbage excuse for a human being!"

By now, there was a pretty large crowd of people around us, all of which, were absolutely dying of laughter, even the teachers who came to sort the situation out couldn't help but laugh. Samael was bright red and had tears streaming down his face from laughing so hard.

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