Chapter 1 :D

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~*~ Liam's P.O.V. ~*~

I suppose no one likes to go through major changes in life. Someone's death, a break up, an accident, moving schools, moving houses, moving towns. The last three you see were the things I had to go through.

I didn't want it to happen, but after coming out with my sexuality back in Wolverhampton, I had a massive fight with one of the 'hardcore' kids in my class and I put him in the hospital for a month. It won't come as a surprise to you that I was immediatley excluded from that school; my third school in the past year; it was my last straw and I'd pulled it.

It started in Wolverhampton.

=^.^= Flashback =^.^=

"Couldn't find a girl so now you want a boy?" He spat in my face, "That's just greedy, that is."

"What's your problem?" I grabbed his shirt and pulled him up. His hands went up in a surrender mode, laughing.

"Chill out gay boy." The kids behind him laughed along.

"What did you say?" I spat.

I didn't want to wait for a response, my fist took the reflex action and went straight for his nose. Blood covered my knuckles, anger burning inside me.

"Liam, you do understand you have pulled your last straw with this?" The headteacher questioned.

I shrugged, not really bothered anymore. That kid deserved it, if I waited longer, he would've gotten worse.

=^.^= Flashback Over =^.^=

Seeing as I was "To much to handle" as much mum said, I  was shipped off to Cowell Boarding School in London.

So here I am now entering the halls of my new school.

Its smells of that weird smell all schools are filled with, mixed with sweat and socks. (A/N I'm just saying that because the schools I've gone to ave both smelled weird so I'm just gonna put that, >.<)

As I walked up to the Headteachers office. Knocked on the door, and heard a yell from the other side to come in.

As I opened the door, I saw him, the toughest teacher in all of London, Simon Cowell.

"I'm here for my time table and room assignment." I state calmly.


"Payne, Liam Payne"

"Yes, Liam your in room is room 1D, your roommate should already be there."

"Thanks, I guess?"

** ^.=.^ **

As I walked up to my new dorm room I heard laughing, singing, talking, and thought to my self, DON'T MESS UP LIAM YOU NEED TO MAKE A GOOD IMPRESSION!

I knocked on the door, then waited I was about to walk in when the most beautiful blonde boy opened the door.

"Hey, your..."

"Liam. Ummm... I'm new and, I was told this was my room, but I guess there was a mistake since there are so many people here." I say starting to walk away.

"No, this is your room, we're all just hanging out here."

"Oh, um, I can come back later if you want."

"NO! I mean it's your room you should come hang out with us." Did he sound to eager

"Sure...." I paused realizing I didn't know his name.

"Niall" he blushed

He blushed maybe he likes me back, wait what? I just met the guy I can't already fancy him can I? I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks just thinking about it. I looked up to find him staring at me.

“You are you coming in or are you going to stand out there all day?” he joked

“Um, I'm coming in.” Well here goes nothing. Hope their not homophobic.

~*~ Niall's P.O.V. ~*~

I was just hanging out in Harry's room with Harry, Louis, and Zayn my boyfriend. He's got that bad boy look and because of that Louis incests on calling him The Bradford Bad Boi, he meant everything to me, he buys me gifts, takes me out to lunch but the one thing that I really want, is to be open of our relationship, but I can't with him because he doesn't want to take the risk of coming out as gay, seeing as no one at our school is openly gay he doesn't now what will happen. I was brought out of my thoughts with knocking on the door.

When I opened the door, there stood the most beautiful boy I have ever seen, even more gorgeous than Zayn. Who is he?

"Hey, your..." I trailed off not knowing his name

"Liam. Ummm.. I'm new and, I was told this was my room, but I guess there was a mistake since there are so many people here." he started walking away

"No, this is your room, we're all just hanging out here."

"Oh, um, I can come back later if you want."

"NO! I mean it's your room you should come hang out with us." Oh No I sounded way to eager

"Sure...." he paused, I took this as a clue to tell him my name.

"Niall" I blushed, Oh-Shit I blushed I hope he didn't notice.

He starts to get a weird look in his eyes. What's that about? Then I realize, he noticed me blushing. Does he think I'm weird... just then I started to see a slight blush start to rise maybe he isn't creeped. He looked in my eyes and realized I had just zoned out so I quickly composed myself and thought maybe if I made a joke it would help lessen the awkward tension between us, here goes nothing.

“You are you coming in or are you going to stand out there all day?” I joked

“Um, I'm coming in.” he replied smiling! Yay I'm mentally doing a happy dance he agreed to hang out with us. Hope he's not homophobic.


Well lets hope it's good it's 10:10 here in Canada so I'm tired I'll try to update soon but I think @harrehstylesfan is going to write the next chapter. ;P

Rember to vote, and comment we need to know how it's going so far.

Boy Of His Dreams ~ (Niam, AU boyxboy) [ON-HOLD{Until farther notice}]Where stories live. Discover now