Third Person

The next day Tony sat with Niall, Liam, Harry, and Louis at lunch.

“So what's your name kid?” Louis asked through a mouthfull.

“Uh, Tony Grace.”

“Oh cool, I'm gunna call you Iron Man alright?”

“Sure, I guess.”

“Great. Now, as Iron Man it's your duty to help people. Yes?”


“So can you do my English homework?”

“Louis!” Harry yelled smacking him, making him drop his fork full of pulled pork.

“What, it was only a question!”

“What ever, let's go to class. Tony what do you have next?”

“Algebra. Stupid, but my ma an' pa want me to take it.”

“Aw you're not in our class... But I think Liam's in your class. Are you Liam?”


“Great! So Tony, you'll know some one!”

Tony could only nod. He could still feel the hostility Liam felt towards him. And it wasn't making the transfer from home school to regular school any easier.

He turned to see Niall standing up, and leaning behind Liam whispering something in his ear.

“I gotta go to science Li.”

“But I didn't want you to.”

“If we could get matching schedules, I would but we can't.”

“I'll miss you.”

“I'll miss you too.”

Then Niall gave Liam a friendly kiss on the cheek, that sent Liam over the moon, and said bye as he left.

Boy Of His Dreams ~ (Niam, AU boyxboy) [ON-HOLD{Until farther notice}]Where stories live. Discover now