After Niall, as well as Liam – even though he was still jealous as fuck that this guy got to room with Niall, and he didn't – both stopped being frozen from surprise.

Ed told them all about it, after he swore them to secrecy of course.

“Well, my mom and dad were on tour yeah? And, this is my dads words not mine, we were horny, drunk, stupid, teenagers, he told me that neither of them meant it, and that it was a mistake – on both parts.

“He said she regretted it the most though. She thought of getting an abortion, but he stopped her. Said that, yeah he regretted the sex – she was crazy – but he didn't regret making me. Which in nice to hear... That at least one of your parents don't regret you.

“He told me t was the last night of the Red Tour, he told me where; backstage, they had snuck some booze into some pop bottles so their management wouldn't take it away, and after they were dunk off their asses they went into the closet of the change room. He told me in vivid detail of how it was the best sex, and the worst sex all in one sex session.

“He also told me with who and why; Obviously with my mom, Taylor Swift, and because they were drunk. The last thing he told me about, is what happened after; she left. Simple as that. She left with a 'thanks' and a 'bye'. He didn't hear from her until three months later, she called 'im and told 'im she was pregnant.

“She told me 'im she regretted it, and she was getting rid of me. And he convinced her not to, telling her if she just kept me, as soon as I was born, he'd take me out of her hair, and out of her life. Which is what happened. Only time I talk to her, is my birthday, sends me a card; “Happy Birthday Dude!”; with six, one hundred dollar bills in it.

“And, I'm not complaining, 'ey I get six hundred dollars a year from the woman and I don' even like 'er music!” Tony finished the story laughing, not in a bitter way, in a genuine happy way.

“Woah! I wish I had famous parents! That'd be awesome. I'd have everything I wanted!” Niall exclaimed, “I bet you have loads of friends. Where'd you use to do to school?”

“Um, this is my first school actually. 've been home-schooled since pre-k. My step-mom taught me, which is great, but I wanted to go to real school, and with them settling down, him leaving the music business to get married, and they want to 'add to the family', they agreed to let me go to real school.” He told Niall.

“Ed has a fiance?” Liam spoke for the second time.

“Yeah, Avianna Grace, I'm supposed to be using her last name, since she's been a scret since I've been born... Sixteen years ago.”

“So you're supposed to be Tony Grace?”


“That name's not as cool as Tony Stark.”

Tony laughed, “I suppose not, but Tony Sheeran would cause lots of questions.”


Then after ten minutes of talking, mostly Niall and Tony with Liam talking occasionally, Niall suggested it was time for Liam to head back to his own dorm.

Liam pulled Niall over to the door with him.

“Night Ni.”

“Night Li.”

“You sure you don't want to sleep with me again tonight?”

“Positive Li. I gotta give you your space.”

“I'm gonna miss you.”

“I'll miss you too.”

Then Liam pulled Niall into a hug, wrapping his arms around his face into the crook of Nialls neck.

When they pulled apart, Niall gave Liam a kiss on the cheek, and told him he;d come over early to wake him up, as he opened the door for Liam to leave. After he had left, Niall closed the door and sighed, resting his forehead in the door.

“You uh, you didn't kiss 'im?” Tony asked.

“Uh, n-no. W-why-y w-would we-e?” Niall stuttered looking at him.

“Jus' assumed you guys were datin', I came in earlier to drop off mah stuff, and you two were sleepin', so I left. An' when I came back, he looked like he was killin' me in his mind. I could tell he didn' like that I'm your new room mate.”

Niall looked him over, why would Liam be jealous? Tony's short, and skinny; the chicken arms, chicken legs skinny. But he's tan, like Zayn was. His hair was nothing special, just blonde, and his eyes were a dull blue colour. And he had sort of a southern accent. He made a metal note to ask him about it later.

But Niall liked tall, muscular guys. He did like that he was tan, but he didn't have the right tan. And Niall prefered his man to have brown hair, brown eyes, and have British accents. Just like Liam.

Boy Of His Dreams ~ (Niam, AU boyxboy) [ON-HOLD{Until farther notice}]Where stories live. Discover now