Third Person

When Nialls room mate came back, Niall and Liam were just saying goodbye.

“Bye Ni.”

“Bye Li.”

Then they hugged as they continued to tell each other that they'd see eachother later, and when they pulled apart, they took notice of the boy at the door.

Both had different expressions, Niall was smiling – warm and welcoming him – while Liam was glaring – cold, and telling him to high-tale it out of there. - But before Liam could say anything, Niall extended a hand.

“'Ey mate. You me be my new room mate. Niall's the name, and this is my best mate Liam.” The boy shook Niall's hand, and turned to shake Liam's, but dropped his arm awkward;y when he saw Liam wasn't going to shake his hand.

“So, uh, my name's Tony. Tony Sheeran.”

“Cool, you have Ed Sheerans last name. How often do people ask you if you're related?”

“Uh, quite often actually. Since we are related.”

“Wow! Mind if you get me and my mates autographs?”

“Sure I guess. I don;t think he'd mind.”

“Woah, thanks! That's so cool.” Niall turned to face Liam, who's expression went from a glare, to a somber look.

How's he supposed to compete with a relative of Ed Sheeran? Niall;'s crazy over Ed, so any relative must be a great opportunity to meet him, and if he does, he might like them more than Liam. Then he'll have both no chance with Niall, and be replaced as Nialls best friend.

“Liam? Isn't that cool?” Niall asked shaking Liams shoulder.

Liam nodded, “Yeah. Cool. Thanks uh, buddy.” And pounched Tonys shoulder in a supposed to be friendly way, but Tony ended up wincing and holding his shoulder.

“So Tony, how are you related?” Niall asked causiously, pulling Liam back over to the bed, sitting on his lap, patting the spot beside them for him to sit.

“Uh, he's my dad.”

“Really? How come you don't look like him? You don't have his wild red hair. I would have thought if Ed had a kid – which ovbiously he did – they'd have his hair.” Niall rambled.

“Oh, yeah. My-my mom. I have her hair.”

“Cool. I like it. It's blonde. Like mine.”

“Yeah, I guess.” He looked at his hands.

Because Liam. Even though sad at how quick he was being replaced, was still warning Tony to back off.

“Can we tell people? That you're Eds son, I mean.”

“I'm not supposed to tell anyone. I was a secret all these years. I just forgot with you two I guess. So it's probably not the best idea.” Tony told them.

“Well, why didn't you use your mums last name?”

“Not that easy.”

“How come?”

“She's, well – My mom is Taylor Swift.”

End Notes: Woahhh, did you see that coming? Because I didn't.

Boy Of His Dreams ~ (Niam, AU boyxboy) [ON-HOLD{Until farther notice}]Where stories live. Discover now