39. Nobody could ever love me the way she does

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Most of the day, I have been going around the building, seeing many empty rooms and some messier than others. I have been trying to find Loki the whole day. I simply got annoyed with the fact that she didn't come looking for me once yesterday after I shut the door on her, which sounds quite stupid. 

Nobody has seen her since yesterday, not even Kelby. I don't know if they went out on a mission or anything, but I believe Terry would have known about if so. 

"There you are!" I turn around, confused as Jacob comes towards me. He is wearing his full uniform—Cargo pants with the same color as the sand outside, a short-sleeved shirt with the same color. 

 "What?" I wonder.

"I need you to come with me." He says and wraps his arm around mine to make me follow him.

"What is going on?" I chuckle, confused. 

"Terry needs to talk to you." He says, but I still find his behavior a bit strange. 

"Okay." I simply say as he pulls me into the elevator and pushes the number 23.

"But isn't that the roof?" I say, and he nods.

"Yes, it is." He answers. What possibly could Terry want to talk to me up on the roof so late in the evening. 

"Have you seen Loki, by the way?" I ask him, but he shakes his head. The elevator door opens, and Jacob pulled me so hard I almost fell. 

"Take it easy," I say, but get lost in how beautiful it actually looks up here.  Light chains hanging on top as if it was a roof of stars above us. 

"This is beautiful," I say, looking at the lights that light up the dark evening. The fresh air of the cold feels so nice to breathe. We round the corner, and I stop in my tracks, holding Jacob in place. 

"What is this?" I ask, scared and nervous as people I know stare at me from their seats in front of me. They all look so happy, and some are even well dressed like my mother, so is Kelby. 

"This is your wedding day." Jacob smiles at me, and I turn to look straight forward at Loki. She is standing at the very front, hands folded in front of her, with an unsure smile on her face. Loki has always looked beautiful, but it's something else when she shows vulnerability.  

"My what?" I say in shock but look down at my clothes. 

"I am not wearing proper clothes," I whisper to him. 

"Most of us aren't, not even Loki." He says with a raised eyebrow, and I look forward again. I didn't really notice, and she always looks beautiful. Her brown hair so long it reaches down to her chest; she is actually wearing a white shirt; it's not something I have ever seen her wear. It suits her, and it even fits her slim figure. Unfortunately, after everything she went through, she lost a lot of weight, but she is still my beautiful Loki.

"Are you ready?" He asks, but I didn't say anything. Just a moment ago, I was mad with Loki, we argued, and now we are getting married? I want to marry Loki, but strangely enough, it was not something I really thought about. Not until she asked my mother, yet my mother said no. She doesn't have a saying, but she is still sitting at the front, smiling at me. Then she gets out of her seat with a worried look coming towards me. 

"Are you okay?" Erika asks me; she looks wonderful in the blue dress she is wearing, it matches her eyes. 

"You don't have cold feet now, do you?" She asks before I could even answer the first question.

"No!" I say a bit too loud.

"I am just surprised, that's all." I smile.

"I am sorry that I have treated you both the way I have." My mother apologizes.  

"I just can't get my head around it all, but I will try and be nicer." She rolls her eyes.

"She loves you the way I always wished for someone to do." My mother smiles at me, and I can't believe she just said that.

"Nobody could ever love me the way she does," I whisper. 

"I want you up there, though," I tell her.

"What?" She looks at me, confused.

"I want you up there with me." I smile, and she realizes now what I meant. 

"Oh, okay," She smiled shockingly and walking the way over to Loki. 

"Are you ready now?" Jacob asks, reaching his arm out.

"Yes." I smile and lay my arm around his. We walk down the aisle together, people staring at me, but I keep my eyes forward at the person who I love the most. We stop in front of her, and Loki takes my hand as Jacob offers it to her. She holds my hand lightly, and her green eyes won't ever seem to be leaving me.

"You did this?" I ask her, so amazed with how everything looks, including her. 

"No, not really," She says.

"Kelby took things too seriously." She chuckled, and Kelby, who is standing behind Loki, rolls her eyes.  It's nice hearing Loki laugh, even smile for that matter. 

"But," Loki steps closer, so close that our faces could almost touch. 

"If you don't want to marry me... ouch." I hit her shoulder in frustration that she could ever think I don't want to marry her. 

"I take that as a yes." She smiles as she rubs the pain I caused her. 

"Of course, I want to marry you." I grin at her, holding both of her hands in mine. 

"Are we ready?" A young man with a messy beard asks both of us. I look questioning at Loki. 

"This is Joel," She smiles at me, and Joel and I shake hands. 

"You must be the lovely Freya." He smiles at me, and I try to hide my smile because of his nice words, but I can't. 

"We are gathered here today..." I stare at Loki, who is looking back. I can't remember the last time I have felt this normal. I am getting married to Loki. I can't believe it. I never felt so excited, nervous, and so happy at the same time. My hands are literally shaking, and my heart beating so hard. 

"Rings." Was the only word that caught my attention. Rings? I look at Loki, confused; I don't know anything about any rings. I didn't choose one for Loki. I feel the disappointment in my heart as I gaze down at the ground.

"Freya, do you take Loki as your wife?" Joel says, and I look at him as Loki turns to Kelby, a glimpse of the ring comes to my view. 

"Yes, I do." I smile and look into Loki's eyes before taking my hand in hers and pushing this beautiful gold, green ring on my finger.  

"I hope it's okay," Loki says nervously. 

"It's amazing," I smile at her, and she looks so relieved. I can feel the tears of joy want to come out of my eyes, but I swallow the lump in my throat. The ring is perfect; it's a nice golden, green color. I love green; it's the color of nature, but also the color of Loki's eyes. 

Kelby reaches a ring for me as well; it looks like the exact match as mine. Same color and pattern.  

"Do you Loki take Freya to be your wife?" Joel says.

"I do." 

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