36. A baby?

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We have been walking for days now; perhaps it's been a week. I am not sure anymore. I have lost track of it. All I know is that my legs are killing me. The kids are so exhausted, but we are so close now. 

We have just reached the desert, I have forgotten how warm it is here. The sweat is draining down my forehead, and my clothes are stuck to my skin. The sun is bright on the empty sky, with no clouds in sight. The sand underneath our feet makes it difficult and heavier to walk, the most annoying part that ever now and then it gets into my shoes. 

"I hate this place," Ivar complains in anger. 

"Would you rather be dead?" Loki snorts with a raised eyebrow. 

"I didn't ask for your opinion; besides, if it weren't for you, this wouldn't have happened," Ivar argues. 

"They would have come anyway." She sighs, and I take a step forward next to Loki. 

"Are you okay?" I ask her, and she nods with a smile.

"Yeah, just having a conversation with your step-brother." She grins.

"We are not related in any way." He almost shouted in a fury, which made Loki almost laugh out loud. She enjoys to annoy him, and I get it. 

"What is that?" Einar wonders, and we all try to look into the distance. Seeing something shining in the sunlight, coming towards us very fast.

"That must be a car," I say without thinking.

"A car?" My mother asks, confused. 

"Yeah, it's a vehicle that goes very fast;" Still, Erika and her family watch me dumbfounded. 

"You will see." I roll my eyes. Loki takes her bow in her hand and makes it ready. 

"Should we be worried?" Einar asks with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Maybe," Loki answers, not sure.

"Hide the kids," I tell them, and my mother pulls them with her behind a big rock. The rest of us gets ready to fight as the car pulls up in front of us. I remember these cars. It was the one Axel's men used to drive around with. It's big, green and dark windows. The door opens slightly, and I watch Loki pull her arrow back. 

"Is that how you say hello to an old friend?" Kelby comes out of the car, Loki, and I breathe out in relief. 

"Come here." She says, walking towards me, giving me a big hug. 

"What are you doing here?" Arkyn asks, looking out through the window on top of the car.

"I am so happy to see you two," Kelby says with a huge grin on her face. 

"What is going on?" She wonders, worried, though. 

"Someone is after us," Loki says, and the worry on Kelby's face goes to surprise. 

"Why?" She asks, confused; my mother and the kids come to us.

"Because of her." Loki points at Atla in Froya's arms. 

"A baby?" Kelby seems even more confused now.

"There is something about her; we don't know yet. I was hoping Margareth had someone who could take a look at her." For some reason, my words made sadness come across her face.

"What's wrong?" I wonder. 

"Margareth, she, unfortunately, passed away a year ago. She was sick." She says sadly. 

"Oh," I say, stunned.

"I am sorry," I tell her; I know she was a nice and strong woman—a good leader for her people. 

"But, well, Terry is in command now. He is great." She smiles now. 

"Come on, there is room for everyone," Arkyn says, and we all get into the car. 

"Good thing the air-condition works in this one." He says and pushes some buttons, and cold air comes into the car. 

"Thank you." I smile; it feels nice with the cold on my skin. I can see everyone else, feeling just the way I do. My mother is sitting next to me with Iona on her lap. Froya on my other side with Atla. Loki is in the front with Arkyn; I thought that was the best option. Einar and Ivar are in the back with Kelby. 

Arkyn drives through the desert in a hurry, and I can see my mother and Froya are not feeling so well. I know the feeling. 

"I think you need to slow down a little," Kelby says, and Arkyn turns around.

"Oh," He says, realizing some of us aren't used to this kind of speed. We get closer to the city, seeing buildings that have fallen, broken pieces lying all around. Covered with sand that the wind has brought.

As we get into the city, we see people all around. They are cleaning up and rebuilding.

"What is going on here?" I ask, and Kelby smiles at me.

"Well, since we don't have Axel to fear anymore, everyone has come out of hiding and come together to clear it up and try and save it." She explains.

"It looks nicer," I tell her. 

"Yeah, it does, but we have a problem as well." She says seriously.

"What problem?" Loki asks.

"You can talk to Terry when we come there." Is all she says. We nod to her and go back to silence. 

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