4. It can't be a good thing

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In a way, I like going to town mostly because I have to go through the forest, which I love. There is nothing compared to the sounds of birds singing, and the sound of the rushing streams. The scent of fresh, cold air and water is incredible.

That's why I mostly walk next to the river, but also so I won't get lost. This one leads to the town, where most go to get fish, but also for meat, eggs, and to trade tools that are needed. It may be jewelry and silver as well, but it is mostly for the wealthy who want it more than they need it.

I follow the same path as I have always followed, and I can see the trace of my footsteps that have been walking here for the last few years. It disturbs me a little that Loki is not able to come with me, but rather that then to lose her.

Seriously, the look they gave that they were full of fright, but so many with hate and hostility. I was afraid that somebody would jump out and attack us both. Fortunately, though, they didn't.

Loki did not come to town with me after that. I didn't even allow her. That was how frightened I was. There is no way I am going to lose her because of them.

I take my sword with me, as always — the blades of my parents that have been delivered through centuries. I feel I may be the last one to have it in the bloodline. Loki and I are unable to have children.

And my name on this sword will be the last one. More men and women than I know have been killed by this sword. I wanted Axel to be one of them, but I wasn't able to bring it with me. It's not significant. I'm all right as long as he's gone.

It wasn't forgettable what he did. It is never going to go away. So many people were slaughtering, burning them as if it were nothing. Those men and women deserved to live. You can't just kill human beings, because of your desires.

I have never been in so much pain before. Everything, I lost. First, my parents, my home, then my older brother. Years after that, a new war begins, which took a wrong turn. I lost my people, Eric, the man who formed me the way I am today. Of course, it was my little brother Magnus. I failed to protect him.

Sometimes from thinking about them all, I can't stop the tears from flowing out of my eyes. It occurs mostly at nights when I can't sleep. Loki always wakes up to comfort me. She pulls me into her arms, and I cry into her shoulder as she strokes me on my back or in my hair, until I fall asleep.

I don't know what I would have done without her. She is my rock, and by the sound of it, I am hers as well. All we've been through has been together, or at least we both know how it feels.

We both no longer have a family; on the way, we were severely hurt, emotionally, and psychologically. That's what our wounds made us, broken souls that need redemption more than ever before, and we get that through each other. I don't think there's a better love for each other than being the salvation. I need her more than anything.

I could now hear the sounds of loud voices after a few hours of walking through the woods and smell the fantastic food being cooked. I like this place, although some people have recognized me with Loki since I was here.

They're mindful of who I am. The queen, Freya, but I never wanted to be a princess. We all know what happened that day when Loki and I declared war on each other, but then all went wrong.

I don't know how they found, perhaps by travelers who saw that all was burned down and no sign of any human being.

As a couple of kids pass me, I get into town and smile. They seemed so happy. The whole place is full of people. It feels more meaningful every time I come here than it was the last time. No wonder it's very appealing, food, shelter, and safety are available.

I reach this place in the middle, where most deals take place. Regularly I'm going to the older egg-trading guy. He also requires food and fur from animals. We have a lot of deer and fox fur, thanks to Loki.

"Good morning, Anton." I smile at the older man. His hair was shorter than last, and he looked scruffy as usual. His hair is messy, and his clothes are dirty, but that's how most of this place looks like.

"Good morning, Freya. What have you got for me today?" he beams with his crooked teeth. I'm taking my jacket off and finding the deerskins.

"Here." I hand it over to him, and he checks out the quality.

"They are good and so big." He sounds amazing.

"Yeah, they keep getting bigger and bigger." I chuckle, and he nods.

"Well, that is good for business." Anton winks, and I roll my eyes off him.

"Yeah, it's," I'm saying, and I'm watching him lay the skin in his tent's back and not long after he comes out with tons of eggs.

"I put them here as usual so that they won't crush your way home." He hands over the special box he made so that the eggs won't break.

"Thank you ..." I turn around to the loud noise of horses running past me and their riders. One after one, I watch them. They're looking frightening and in a hurry. One of them stops in front of me a few meters, looking around. His dark eyes were so tense and upright.

I've never seen him before, or any of the others who have come through here. Their clothing is new, the way they look, too.

"It can't be a good thing." I hear Anton say behind me, and I glance at him. There's a look of worry all over him. I can understand why his wife and children are around here.

The frightening man with long black hair and beard keeps moving through the city in a rush. I watch him disappear from the crowd. I'm taking a deep breath, feeling my anxiety slowly fading away.

"I think it's okay." I turn to Anton, who still seems worried.

"I guess the rumors around her are true then." He says, itching his beard.

"You mean the rumors about tribes coming to the area?" I ask, and he nods. He seems very scared.

"This town has grown massive all year round, and now, I think it's a very desirable place for those who want it. "He shrugs, sadly, and I watch him back down his things.

"It's not the first time someone like them has come through the town. Next time, who knows what will happen." He sounds terrified. I can understand that.

"I'm going to take my family with me and leave." He says, going into his tent.

"Here," He hands over more eggs to me.

"I can't take it all with me, and I'd rather give it to you, and then let it go to waste." He hands it over to me in a hurry, making me almost drop all the boxes to the floor.

"Thank you for everything, Freya, and say hi to Loki from me." He smiles at me now and reaches out his hand to me.

"Thank you, as well." I take his hand in mine, and we both shake farewell.

Right now, I'm on my way back home from the city, which was quite an experience. I don't think I have a choice but to tell Loki this. Even though I know what she's going to say, it's not exactly what I want to hear. I don't want to abandon our house, but if she doesn't feel safe, I shouldn't do that either.

I'm still walking, but faster than I did on my way over here. My body is full of different emotions, but most of all, it is fear. I used to spend a lot of time in town. It's only been a few hours; it'll be dark.

Loki isn't going to be happy if I don't come home before the night ends. She's cautious, but I can understand why. I feel scared that she's out alone at night.

I stop in my tracks by a sound. My eyes are roaming around to try to find out what makes that noise. I keep walking, and the noise is getting higher, which makes me bend down because of the reaction.

I move towards the sound, keeping myself hidden by the tall grass. It's just that I'm not sure what it is, so I need to get closer. The confusion comes to me as I recognize the sound.

It's crying. 

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