38. That's why it's perfect

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I know Freya doesn't want me to sacrifice my life, but I know these people need help; if they don't' get the food, they will die of starvation. I made Jacob send someone for Ivar, but Einar, his father, wouldn't let him go on this mission if he didn't go as well. 

We planned everything from top to bottom. How to get inside and how to take them down. Luckily, Terry found prints of the warehouse; we know every entrance and every room there is.  We are all ready to go, but Terry didn't want us to go just yet. He wanted us to rest, I get that, but I want to get it done. 

I haven't seen Freya since she bashed the door behind her. As much as I dislike Ivar, I asked him if he has seen her, but no. Not even his father. He seems to be the only one, expect his children that like me. 

Kelby told me she was in one of the bedrooms, she could show me, but there was something else I needed to do first. 

"What do you need?" Kelby asks nicely.

"Well," I say, looking down at the beautiful ring that is placed on her finger. Kelby seems confused but looks down as well, and her eyebrows raised.

"Oh my god!" She says out loud, excited as she surprisingly lay her arms around me. 

"Umm," I say, uncomfortable as I try to push her away.

"Sorry," She says.

"Just a bit happy." Kelby smiles.

"You are going to propose." I roll my eyes to her excitement. 

"I kind of already did that, but I haven't been able to do it properly," I tell her embarrassed, this is not the kind of thing I would share with someone, but I need help.

"Well, I will take you to the place." Kelby pulls me by the hand after her in a hurry through the hallways, down the small elevator, and out the door.

"Let's go." She grins from ear to ear as she opens the door of the car.  She starts driving the second I get into my seat. 

"It's not far," Kelby says, and I nod nervously. I don't know what kind of ring Freya would like. They make them in all different ways, and I want the perfect one for the person who means the world to me. 

Kelby drives through the sandy ground through the warmth of the sun. She is careful not to hit broken glass and pieces of metal on the ground. 

"What do you mean you proposed to Freya?" Kelby asks curiously, and I sigh to the question, not wanting to answer. 

"Her mother hates me, and Ivar as you met, he also hates me. He challenged me in a swordfight," Kelby raises her eyebrow in disbelief.  

"I know," I shake my head.

"Well, he pissed me off, so I humiliated him in front of everyone, and I begged Freya's mother to let me marry her." I shrug, and Kelby nods.

"Very romantic." She laughs, and I roll my eyes.

"I know." I sigh with my eyes closed. 

"I have asked myself many times before, how can someone as beautiful as her love someone like me. Freya deserves better." I say sadly.

"Hey!" Kelby says angrily.

"If there is one thing I know is how much Freya loves you. Everyone can see it," She tells me, annoyed.

"Kelby, I do not doubt her love for me," I say calmly. 

 "It's the fact that it is me she loves," I say.

"What?" Kelby sounds confused.

"I am not a good person, and I am never going to be one." Just like that, Kelby stopped the car in a rush; I almost made me flew out the window.

"You listen to me and that careful!" Kelby points at me, and I move back in my seat.

"You are most likely the best thing that has ever happened in Freya's life. She needs you, and you need her; both of you fulfill each other, and the way Freya looks at you is only affection. Whether she is happy or angry with you, she still has that look in her eyes." She says, but it felt more like a slap in the face than anything. 

"We are here, by the way." Kelby looks out the window and into a tiny house; it's so old. But a young man on the porch is fixing the door. We get out of the car, and the man turns to us. He is very tall but skinny—short blond hair, but a long beard that he hasn't seemed to care for at all. 

"Hi, Kelby, what are you doing here?" He seems happy to see her.

"We need a ring." She says, looking at me. 

"Oh, of course, I have made plenty since last time." He smiles, trying to open the door, but it won't nudge. So instead, he lifts it off and put it aside.

"Can't seem to get it to work." He chuckles, but we all step inside, which is a relief. It's too warm to be outside, and the sand in the air makes it hard to breathe at times. 

"Sit down." He says kindly, and we both do.

"What kind of ring are you looking for?" He asks, and I look at Kelby, unsure. 

"Just find some, and we will see," Kelby says, and the man smiles as he goes into a different room. 

"I don't know what she would like," I say honestly, a bit disappointed in myself. 

"Once you see it, you will." Kelby nudges me in the shoulder. The man comes back again with a box, and he opens it and places it in front of me. I look at them; they are all nice—some with a golden color, silver, and bronze. 

"What is that?" I question as I see a few of them have some rock or glass on them.

"That is a diamond." He explains to me. 

"You made these?" I ask.

"Not all of them, I have been looking all around for rings, and I collect them and  give them to who wants to get married." He smiles at me and notices he has a nice ring as well on his finger.

"You are married?" I wonder, and he looks at his ring right away. 

"She passed away a year ago." He says sadly. 

"Oh, I am so sorry," I tell him, not wanting to know how that feels like. 

"It's okay. Do you like anyone?" He asks, changing the subject. I keep searching, but I can't seem, anyone that I love. I shake my head to the man.

"Okay, I  have more." He takes the box and comes back with another one. But still, I can't find it.

"They are not Freya," I say. 

"What do you mean?" He wonders patiently.

"I don't know." I shrug.

"Okay, I have more." He says and goes and gets another box. He opens it, and I look through it. 

"Can I see that one?" I ask, pointing to one that really sticks out from the other ones. 

"Yeah," He picks it out and gives it to me. It's thin with some nice patterns on it; the color was what struck me the most, it's green and golden. I know Freya likes green; it reminds her of the forest.

"You think she would like it?" Kelby asks. 

"Yes," I say, lost in how perfect it is. 

"It's not a very traditional ring." The young man tells me.

"That's why it's perfect." I smile. 

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