37. You are not going

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Kelby and Arkyn took us through the City, and we ended up at a very tall building. Compared to the other ones, this one seemed like it's completely new. Windows all intact, the walls inside looked newly painted with a nice white color. The furniture looked untouched as we went around. 

"Look who we found!" Arkyn shouts exited behind Terry and Jacob's backs. They jump in their place and turn around, angry with Arkyn, but Jacob smiles as he sees me.

"Freya." He said and opened his arms to give me a big bear hug. 

"I haven't seen you in a while." Jacob lets me go, and Loki rolls her eyes in annoyance, which is funny. He looks so different, bigger in some way, or more grown-up. It might be the short beard that he has let grow. 

"What are you doing here?" He asks. 

"That is a long story," I say.

"You are Jacob, son of Aron and Alva Frigard?" My mother asks, stepping forward. 

"Yes." He answers, confused. 

"Do I know you?" Jacob questions. 

"This is my mother," I tell him, and his eyes widen. 

"You survived?" He looks just as shocked as I did.

"Yes, I did," She smiles.

"I thought everyone was gone." My mother says sadly. 

"My parents?" Jacob asks hopefully, but Erika shakes her head in sorrow. 

"I am sorry." She says.

"It's okay; I was just wondering." He tries to smile. 

"So, what are all of you doing here?" Terry now comes into the conversation. He seems happy to see us as well. 

"We are kind of in trouble," I say, and Loki snorts.

"That is an understatement." Loki rolls her eyes.

"Sit down, everyone," Terry says calmly, and we sit down around the huge round table in the middle of the bright room. Since Axel has been brought down, the people of this city have taken it back, and they don't have to hide anymore underground as they did. 

"What is going on?" Terry asks, folding his hands on top of the table, looking straight at me with his dark eyes. I stare at Loki, who indicates me to talk. 

I start telling them all, Jacob, Terry, Kelby, and Arkyn, what has happened. From Finding Atla, to when Loki and I were attacked and until the village got run down. Even the fact that there is something about the little girl that is quite odd. 

"We have scientists that could run some tests on the girl to see if she is healthy and could find something if there is." Terry smiles at us.

"Thank you," I tell him, feeling so relieved. 

"Anything for you two really," He smiles at the both of us.

"It's nice to meet all of you," Terry is looking at my family.

"I will talk more to you later; you all look tired," He looks at Kelby and Arkyn.

"Why don't you find them some room, make sure they have everything they need. And bring the girl to Diana," Both of them nod to Terry happily.

"I need to talk to Loki and Freya alone." He says we watch everyone expect Terry and Jacob to go out of the room. 

"I can see that you have gotten yourselves into a huge problem, and after all you have done for us, of course, we are going to help you and your family." Terry has always been truthful and keeps his words. 

"Thank you," I say, but I can sense there is also something else he wants to talk about. He seems unsure and can't seem to get it out. 

"What is wrong?" Loki asks before I could; she also looks at him with worry. Terry sighs loudly, not wanting to put it out on the table. 

"We have a big problem that we can't solve." He says and rubs his clean-shaven chin. 

"After Axel and everything fell to the ground, people have come out of the shadows, and we have provided them with a home, food, and water. Everything they need," Terry sighs in annoyance.

"But not everyone has come with peace or cooperation." Of course not, I think to myself as I roll my eyes. 

"Basically," Jacob starts. 

"A group has taken over our food facilities, making us vulnerable. We have some left, but in a few days, it's going to run out."  Terry finds a map over the city, which looks just the same as the one we saw the first time we arrived here. 

"The farm, as we call it, is a place for everyone to go to in need of food. It's a huge area; the food is inside one of the storage buildings. The other three are being used to grow like fruit, vegetables, and we even have animals in one." Terry explains, and Loki and I look over the map. It's a big place, five times the size of my mother's village.   

"Well, I guess we have a lot to do then," I said, but Loki looks at me. 

"You are not going." She says strictly. 

"Excuse me?" I say offended. 

"I will take Ivar with me." She says, looking at the guys; they both nod, but they are not sure if that was the right thing to do or not.

"You don't even like Ivar!" I shout as I stand up facing her.

"Exactly." She says calmly, sounding just the same as I first met her, relaxed and cold. 

"You can't make me stay here while you go out and risk your life," I argue, clenching my fists, my face so close that my noes it almost touching hers. 

"You want Atla to have at least one parent or none?" She question, shutting me up. 

"Then I will go," I say, but Loki shakes her head.

"I am not letting you." She tells me, staring at me with her begging green eyes. I breathe out loudly, knowing I can't argue with that. I turn my back to her and go for the door, shutting it hard behind me. 

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