3. There is no reason to feel remorseful

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It's been a little while since I woke up with Loki lying exposed over me. Before we fell asleep after the long night of tears and love, she must have laid a blanket above us. I'm tracing her skin on her back up and down. She is as warm as a fire and as soft as a summer breeze. How can someone be so beautiful?

Loki moves lightly and breathes out. She turns her head my way, looking at me with heavy eyes.

"Morning." She mumbles with her sleepy voice.

"Good morning, beautiful," I say while brushing her hair away from her face.

"How are you?" She wonders.

"I'm good. I'm happy." I smile, which makes a smile come upon her face as well.

"I'm happy too." She says, which fills my heart with joy because it means I am doing something right.

"I have never been happy until I meet you." She says which brings me to concern.

"I was never happy, except when Karina came to our tribe. She was the only thing that meant something to me, but when she went away, everything fell to the ground. I lost her and not long after my dad passed away, giving me the responsibility of the throne," She takes a deep breath. Her eyes are filled with sadness.

"It gave me more weight on my shoulders than I needed. Honestly, a small part of my heart was relived the day our people were slaughtered. I couldn't bring myself to admit that, but I think the guilty for feeling like that, brought me the rage to go through everything we went through." She tells me, and I can see it in her eyes that she feels guilty.

"There is no reason to feel remorseful, Loki. You were put into a situation you didn't want to be in, and you didn't have a choice." I say, laying my hand on her cheek to make her look at me.

"That life is gone now. We have a new one," I tell her and lean in to lay my lips on her forehead for a long kiss.

"I know," She says, but I can still see it in her eyes that it bothers her. I know it does; it will never go away. It's our scars, the ones that will never go or fade away.

"I need to go to town today," I tell her, which makes her groan in annoyance.

"We need some items," I say, she makes that sound again, and I laugh about how cute it is.

"I'm laying so comfortable right now." She says, moving to lay right above me. I jumped after she placed her hands on my waist. I feel them slip further and further up my body.

"Stop," I giggle, because I know if she doesn't, I won't get out of this house.

"No," She chuckles, so I take her hands in mine, fighting to get loose.

"Loki, I need to go," I laugh, and then I manage to get a grip on both of her wrists. She looks at me with an impressed grin as I sit up with her on my lap.

"I need to go; if not, then I am late home, and we both know you don't like me to go out at night," I tell her, which makes her wrinkle her nose; because she knows I am right.

"Fine." She sighs, and I give her a quick kiss on the tip of her nose.

"You want to come along?" I ask, but she reminds silent, and the guilt in her eyes comes back.

"It's okay, I know." I smile as I wrap my arms around her back, taking her nude body in for an embrace. Her skin and warmth feel so good against mine. I can't believe how lucky I am.

"I go alone. I am okay, I promise." I tell her, and she nods with a small smile.

The first time, Loki and I went to the town together. I didn't go well. For some reason, they knew who Loki was, and of course, there are only bad stories about her, what she and her people did. I mean it's not a surprise that they have heard about her. Since she came from one of the most feared tribes, but they know it so far away from the area we came from, amazed me.

I chose this place because it was beautiful and lots of things to survive here. As well, I thought it was far enough from our past. It wasn't after all. It lingers wherever we go.

"Are you sure?" She asks, and I roll my eyes.

"Of course. How many times haven't I been there without you?" I chuckle as I brush her hair away from her face.

"I know. It's just the tribe that is not far from here that worries me." She tells me, but I cup her cheeks, looking deep into her gorgeous green eyes.

"I will be okay, Loki. I promise." I tell her, and not long after she nods to my words.

"Okay." She smiles now.

"Okay, good, but you need to move your butt so I can go." I tease her, but she raises her eyebrow, not amused. I like it when she looks offended. It makes her adorable. I lean forward to kiss her on the nose again, but the look on her face won't go away.

"Fine." She says, still looking at me as if she is insulted. Then she moves off me, walking all naked in the distraction to our bedroom.

"No butt for you then." She says, and I burst out in laughter after she closed the bedroom door behind her. She can be tasteful sometimes. It's funny and cute.

"I guess I can find someone else's butt!" I shout, laughing.

"Don't you dare!" She yells while I bite my lower lip to keep my laugh inside. I get out of the couch with the blanket around me and find my way to our bedroom.

Loki stands there with her pants on and taking on her shirt.

"What?" She smiles as she caught me staring at her. I find my way over to her. Then I open my arms with the blanket to wrap around her as well. She leans her forehead on mine, closing her eyes.

"I love you." She whispers.

"I love you too." I smile, holding her tightly as I bury my face in her shoulder. I am breathing in my favorite smell in the whole world, my Loki.

"Go and get dressed before I change my mind again." She smiles, and I chuckle as to lay my hand on her cheek to steal one kiss.

"I go, but don't do anything stupid while I am gone," I warn her, and it makes her roll her eyes.

"I promise as long you keep your head low." She says, and I nod to her words.

"I promise." 

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