Jealousy is a Disease Ep.10

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Originally posted on, Link in bio. This will be an episode behind, so if you want to read ahead, (cause humans are impatient beings), check me out on the other site!


Mystic Radio ep. 10: Jealousy is a disease




"Bye MC!"

"Bye Jaehee." I say as I watch her head out to go meet Zen.

They've become really close recently, this having been the fourth time this week. First it was just work outs, but now he's taking her to watch him rehearse. Next Sunday, they're planning on catching a movie I think...

'It's only as friends.' Jaehee would say, Zen following with 'Yeah, It's just a friendship between me and a fan that I met through RFA.'. Despite their protests, I still feel jealous. Jealous that time Jaehee and I would spend home together is now spent with Zen. Jealous that Zen is actually in the running all because of genitalia. But more than anything, I'm ashamed of feeling this way.

Why do I feel like this? Jaehee is her own person and can go out with Zen if she wants. She can date whatever guy she likes. And I can't do anything about it, so why do I feel like I'm being torn apart?

I chuckle to myself, thinking back a few months ago, when we first moved in together. How I kept thinking it would be okay, and I could handle watching Jaehee with someone else.

Boy was I wrong.

I should move on. For the sake of both of us.

Jaehee said she'd be out for a while, and I don't want to stay here alone right now. I shoot off a quick text and soon enough the doorbell chimes.

"Hey Seven." I say as I open the door with a grin.

"Howdy MC.". I quirk an eyebrow up making him smirk. "Stay in or head out? I brought one of my babies today if you wanted to go for a drive." he states, proudly beaming about his sports car. "I might even let you drive if you want...".

I lean against the door frame, crossing my arms. "You were so worried you brought your 'child' out?" I ask. Seven rarely lets people go around in the car for the heck of it, much less actually let them drive. "Getting out of the house sounds nice, but I'll let you drive.". Seven lets out a breath of relief.

Last time I drove one, he was so nervous his knuckles turned white from gripping the seat belt. I still remember him shrieking at me to slow down when I was already below the speed limit. When he drives, however, it's a different story. He knows exactly how much he can get away with and does it. At least it makes driving with him more fun though, and I could use a distraction right now.

I go grab my bag and lock up the door before getting in the car, Seven following suit.

"Where to?" he asks as he revs the engine, making it satisfyingly purr.

"Surprise me." I say.

"As you please, M'lady." he says, with horrible British accent that makes me laugh, before heading down the road.

We head out of town and I get more and more confused as the passing buildings soon become trees. The road begins to start winding and the trees get thicker as the sky starts turning light pink in the evening sun. Eventually, he pulls in to a gravel parking lot, at the bottom of a hill, in the middle of nowhere.

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