It's a date then? Ep.7

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Originally posted on, Link in bio. This will be an episode behind, so if you want to read ahead, (cause humans are impatient beings), check me out o the other site!

A/N: I just want to say sorry in advance because I'm bad with American names as is. There's no way I'd be able to come up with Korean names for extra characters, so they will all probably have more western styled names. I hope this doesn't ruin the theme too much.

Mystic Radio Ep. 7: It's a date then?





"You said it was an emergency, so why did you want to meet up? What is so important you couldn't tell me over the phone?". Crossing my arms, I growl "You made me think my phone was bugged!".

While he tries to piece together his answer, I use the time to observe how the coffee shop's decor is, wondering how our shop will be like when it's done.

Cautiously, seeing as I'm ticked off, he says in a soothing voice "Ok, yes, I lied and I'm sorry. But it's for your sake.".

"Then you could have told me over the call.".

"True, but this is something to do in person. Plus I just really wanted to get coffee.", he holds up his cup before taking a big sip of his frappuccino with extra, extra caramel, and a mountain of whipped cream on top. He finishes with a satisfied 'Ah', then crosses his arms and leans across the table. "I got you a date.".


"Tomorrow! I know you'll like them." he states with a cheeky grin.

"You already know I have someone I like...".

"That's true, but have a little faith in your hacking god!", he points at himself to prove his point.

"Yeah, the god of the tomatoes maybe." I tease.

"Hey!" he makes a pouting face. "I know you already like her, but this might hep you move on! Living with the person you like has got to be torture.".

He has a valid point. In the past month I've nearly had a heart attack twice, and I always end up a blushing mess at the smallest things. It's not like I have anything to lose.

I agree, saying "Ok mister red-head, why not.".

A smirk appears on his face, "And so, operation 'finish the route' begins!".

"Route? What are you talking about." I tilt my head in confusion.

"Don't mind me, I'm just trying to pave the route of love~ It's a winding road, but it'll be worth it.".

He's such a weirdo sometimes.

"Anyways, there's not really a snowballs chance in hell the Jaehee likes me, so why not try?".

"But didn't you say you guys almost kissed?" he asks, leaning his chin on his palm.

My face heats up slightly, "Yeah... Maybe? No? I don't know..." I admit, sliding down the booth till I can barely see over the table.

"There you go then! You know I have your back, right?".

I straighten back up. "You don't have to do this." I chuckle.

"No I don't, but I want you to be happy." he says with a dorky smile. "At least someone in the RFA should be dating. We cant all be single losers.".

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