Pool Party pt.2 Ep.21

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Mystic Radio Ep. 21: Pool Party pt.2




"That  would be great, actually," I reply with a grin to Jaehee's promise that  I wont lose her. A small gesture, maybe, and it might not be reality  and I'm just a hopeful fool to think so. But with those words of, 'I  promise,' I already feel a bit lighter.

We all spend time  together, enjoying the sun, me watching the others splash in the pool  while I idly play games on my phone. Occasionally having a conversation  with Zen or Yoosung, but I'm not able to be part of the action, so I sit  mostly in the background. I don't mind too much, but not being able to  join in almost sucks as much as the actual broken leg.

Jaehee  comes out between laps to sit with me sometimes, not that I mind. When  she does, I always wish I could pull her aside and sneak off to kiss  her, but I'm not sure if she would be okay with it. Especially because  the guys are here.

The sun starts to go down, and Yoosung yells  out "Time for our cookout!" and not a moment too soon. One can only  watch anime for so long, and play Choices* chapters so many times,  before losing ones mind.

One by one the guys all clamor out of the  pool, all but Jumin, and begin working to set up a fire in the pit.  Jaehee grabs a towel and sits on the ground next to my chair, laying her  head on my leg after wrapping herself like a burrito.

I cant help but coo at the sight. "What are you doing?" I say with a giggle.

She  turns her head around so she's facing me and sweetly smiles, "I just  felt like it, I like being around you." She then turns back away so the  back of her head is facing me.

"Oh Jaehee, you're really cute, you  know that?" She doesn't respond but I swear I could feel her cheek  heating up a little on my leg, and I cant help but smile down at her. I  begin playing with her hair, rubbing her head, purely on instinct. I'm  about to stop, but then I notice her humming ever so lightly.

Yoosung shouts over and I jerk my hand back, "Hey Jumin time to start getting the meat!"

I giggle, "Guess that's our cue to help the guys with the cooking huh?"

"Do you not think they can handle it themselves?" Jaehee looks up at me with a twinge of disappointment.

"Remember last time they tried to cook together? Seven almost set the house on fire."

"Well, cooking is a hard and compli-"

"Making noodles," I remind her, "Instant ramen noodles, that you plop in some hot water."

"Yeah..." she sighs, "Probably should go help."

With  that, we make our way over to help the guys cook, or at least watch that  they don't set Jumin's backyard on fire. Thankfully, Zen and Yoosung  working together isn't an absolute train wreck.

Jaehee had to  talk Seven down from playing with the fire pit a few times, but this  time he actually succeeded. With a swift motion, he steals a flaming  stick and runs from her.

"I am the fire god!" he screams,  chuckling at the distress of Jaehee chasing him while Jumin just lets  out a sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose.

I giggle at Seven  and his antics which draws Zen's attention. "What an idiot huh," Zen  jokes. "Hey, MC, check this out!" He takes his tongs and flips a steak  up into the air, then lunges to catch it. His aim is horrible and the  slab of meat comes down with a splat on the pavement.

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