Dix Sept

418 15 3

NEXT CLASS (in french class)

Hanabusa: (looks at Yuki for a bit before asking her something) Hey, Tsukiyomi? are you alright, you seem unusually quiet..

Yuki: (puts pencil down for a second before wrtting again, gently) Really?, i haven't noticed actually...

Hanabusa:Hmmm... (turns back to his work before noticing the sweets spirits out the window)

Yuki: (puts pencil down)...hanabusa...have you ever hurt someone without meaning to or thinking about it?

Hanabusa: (turns to her) Well yeah I mean it happens to everyone eventually

Yuki:.... (picks up pencil).. alright then thank you... that is all i wanted to ask.

Hanabusa: (smiles as he supports his head with his hand tilting his head to the side playfully) anytime, my little sweets princess~

Yuki: Ha-Hanabusa! (blushes lightly)

French-sensei (frenchy): Hmm? Tsukiyomi-san were you volunteering to say the phrase?

Yuki:W-well I-i uhh

Frenchy: (Arches an eyebrow) or were you disrupting my class?

Yuki: ( blushes of embarrassment ) N-no i would like to say the phrase, Sensei... (voice trails off)

Frenchy: (smiles) All right Mademoiselle, please say the following phrase in french (clears throat) A bird will gaze and soar into the sunset a thousand times without reaching a single ray, until one day it becomes a ray of a star... Now repeat
Yuki: ( deep breath before closing her eyes) Un oiseau regarder dans le coucher du soleil mille fois sans parvenir à un seul rayon , jusqu'au jour où il devient un rayon d'une étoile

Everyone: ( silence while staring in awe)

frenchy:( shocked before exclaiming) Tres Bien Tsukiyomi-san that was great and foreign as well!

Yuki: (internally freaking out)

(the rest of the day was a breeze)

Yumeiro Patissiere- Sweets Of The Heart(Satsuki Hanabusa Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now