Reccette Vingt - Deux (2)

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Yuki: (Was totally focused but is now really shy) >\\\< (turns away do that he can't see her) {AN= You little tsundere you •^•}

-----End Of Re-Cap-------

Hanabusa:(notices) hey Tsukiyomi, are you OK?

Yuki: Y-yes of course! Why wouldn't I be? (Slightly flustered)

Hanabusa: (Smiles) No reason.

--------------------------------------------- 10 minutes later when Hanabusa finishes teaching Yuki how to handle the maccha material--------------------------------------------

Yuki: So that was Andou-san's little brother, right? He seems to not really like cakes...

Hanabusa: Hmm(smiles)...yeah, remind you of anyone?

Yuki: (Pouts and turns away as he continues laughing)

Kashino: Oi! If your done flirting with each other, perhaps you won't mind bringing the pre-made maccha already!

Yuki: ??? *What...flirting?*

Hanabusa: *Rubs hand behind his head with an ^^ expression*

Ichigo: You guys i'm sure he has some reason for hating cakes, I am going to go find out, Yuki-chan come with me, (She says grabbing your hands in a semi forceful manner)

Yuki: Umm... alright. (Still flustered)

--------------------Mini Timeskip------------------

(Yuki and Ichigo are roaming throughout the halls with Vanilla constantly nagging at Ichigo about personal matters)

Vanilla: Ichigo!, stop being so nosy! (A little annoyed)

Ichigo: (Ignores Vanilla and takes a peak behind a slit on the door making room for Yuki to see)

Yuki: (Sees Andou-chibi and realizes the smell) *That's the adzuki bean smell...* (Makes her way inside with Ichigo in tow and comes up behind him)

Ichigo: You know you're pretty good!

Andou-Chibi: (Surprised an looks behind him with a disdaintful look) What are you doing here, Cake pig!?

Ichigo: (Gets all offended and tells him to call her Ichigo-oneesan in a threatening way scaring him)

Yuki: Hey, Andou-chibi? (meanwhile they look at her sweatdropping as she called him "chibi")

Andou-Chibi: Oi! I'm not Chibi!

Yuki: (Ignoring him) Anyway you were making bean paste, right?

Andou-chibi: (goes back to stirring the mixture) Y-yeah...I wanted to try making paste and not just sorting adzuki beans.

Yuki: I see (goes over to the two trays behind them) this is what you mean.

Andou-chibi: (Nods)

Ichigo: Oh you separated the ones bugs bit into. (she says admiring the beans)

Andou-chibi: (Nods again) Yeah grandpa and the others have really bad eyesight, so it's my job (still not turning his head and remaining focused on stirring)

Yuki: You worked so hard on it, so it's bound to be delicious, so it should turn out amazing!( She says smiling)

Creme: (Smiling warmly) Oh Yuki...

Yuki: Immeadiately hears Creme's comment and clears her throat)

Andou-Chibi- (Blushes for a millisecond) of course!, i learned to sort them out by Sen-nii after all, same goes for bean paste too, so it will turn out good.

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