Reccette Vingt Cinq

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( Time skip to after the new sweets spirit appeared, to scold Ichigo, and they have a celebration for Ichigo and Yuki mixed with fruits i.e strawberries and flavors i.e French Cream. Afterwards they all left with Hanabusa insisting to walk Yuki home since her dorm was much farther than the others.)

Yuki:...( Quietly walking hearing Creme trying to make her start conversation )

Hanabusa:...(Keeping to himself)

Yuki: ...(Takes a deep breath)... I never would have suspected that we each carry our own sweets spirit... especially Kashino-kun, he seems like the type of person someone would have a hard time getting along with.

Hanabusa: (Light chuckle) Believe me, Kashino had no intention getting along with Chocolat at first...just like you and Creme.

Creme: (Slightly giggles happily)

Yuki: (Eyes widen slightly before casting a glance towards her side)... It's different for me though...

Hanabusa: ( Questioning look)...What do you-

Yuki: (Turns to look at him with a slightly bitter face along with sullen eyes and cuts him off ) -I mean I have no interest in pursuing this career...

Hanabusa: (Look of realization) *That's right...she didn't even want to go to this school in the first place...*

Creme:(Looks down sadly at the ground) Yuki?...

Yuki:... (Still looking down and stops walking)

Hanabusa:( Still walking for a few more seconds and proceeds to move in front of her with a calm face) ...

Yuki: (Looks at him) ... You know my mother was a patissiere...

Hanabusa: (Eyes slightly open)

Yuki:... She was amazing at I've heard that is.

Hanabusa: "So you've heard?" What do you-

Yuki: (Cuts him off) -she died because she had me...

Hanabusa: (Shocked)

Yuki: (indifferent) ... Her name was Souko ...and while she loved sweets even though her father wanted that she pursue music instead... while my father loved music which served as a basis for the name franchise (eyes lower) And that's really all i know about her...he didn't really want me to know anything about her, even her name was hard to get out of him...

Hanabusa: I'm sure it was just really hard for him to tell you

Yeah yeah (casts a bitter glare to the side) that's what they said too...

Hanabusa: (Confused) They?...

Yuki: ... no one...forget it. okay? (puts on a small pained smile)... come on let's continue...(starts walking)

Hanabusa: (Light wince and stays planted in place)... You can tell me...if you want?...

Yuki:(Stops and turns towards him with a semi shocked look) You sure?

Hanabusa: (Serious) Of course... (cracks a small smile) you're my partner after all.

Yuki: (Eyes glisten)... (composes herself) Ok...

Hanabusa: (Small laugh while taking her hand) ...wait, not here, come on i'll show you a great place.

(Hanabusa proceeds to take Yuki to a small rose garden balcony in the distance and when they are 2 or 3 feet from entering the gazebo, Yuki stops.)

Yuki: H-here?

Hanabusa: ( Nods and offers a seat to Yuki and then sits himself down) Hey let's make this a game!

Yuki: (Puzzled) A game? like what?

Hanabusa: (Chuckles at his idea) I will ask you a question and when after you answer: you can ask me a question that i'll answer. you know? to be fair.

Yuki: (Small smirk) What makes you think? that i want to know about you?

Hanabusa: (Caught off-guard) W-what?

Yuki: (Chuckle) I'm kidding,

Hanabusa: *Seriously, who knew she had a slightly sadistic side for humor? Well it's better than nothing* (Weak laughter)

Yuki: (Heavy sigh) So?...what do you wish to know first?

Hanabusa: (Thinks) What did you mean by them?

Yuki: Oh, just the old staff we had at the estate.

Hanabusa: Old staff?

Yuki: (Nods)They talked constantly behind my back and when once that I grew a habit of running away; my father found out from the steward (Sora's father) and dismissed them all.

Hanabusa:  *Wow, talk about a happy childhood she led ;/*

Yuki: (Slightly uneasy along with a small laugh/wince) ...You already asked a question, so it's my turn to ask you, okay?

Hanabusa: (Gets the message) Yeah, okay (Nods for her to say her question)

Yuki: What was your favorite pastime as a child?

Hanabusa: Umm...(small laugh)going to the rose garden.Definitely (smiles)

Yuki: (Small laugh) W-wow...that is actually...pretty expected of you.

Hanabusa: (Laughs before asking another question) What did they say?

Yuki: (Stops laughing and casts a glance to the side) Most of them were in one way or another; friends with my father  proceeded to tell him that I...


Yuki:...That I was the reason my mother was killed and I shouldn't have been born....because I was a female infant.

Hanabusa: ? I always thought that she died giving bir-

Yuki: -that's what everyone thought at first.

Hanabusa: Do you mind telling me what happened?

Yuki: (Nods) While my parents were marrying they were pretty popular and it wasn't rare to have a few stalkers following them around. Soon after I was born; there was this man who my mom was previously engaged to by their parents and he always had wanted a daughter of his own and so he believe that she and I was promised to him....we were his...

Hanabusa:( puts a hand on his shoulder and leans closer) ...what happened?

Yuki: He kidnapped me before my mother got to hold me and she went after him alone but he waited for her...

Hanabusa: (Changes subject) You said she was world renowned, right? Is her death why you hate baking so much?

Yuki: (Off-guard)... It's just....when I heard that story I cant help but be reminded of her everytime i bake....even know...amd since i never can remember her face it just feels like a ghost looming over me....just...racking me with guilt :/

Hanabusa: (Grasps hand)

End Of Chapter-

A/N: Btw i'm sorry I haven't been updating ;-; and will dfo better in the future to do so in all of my stories since i've been on hiatus, i'm sorry ;-;

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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