Reccette Neuf

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(After 20 or so minutes they arrive at St.Marie and say their final goodbyes to each other)

Ikuto:(hugs Yuki while looking at sora) Well sora I leave my darling sister in your hands

Sora: (embarrased) Y-yes! Ikuto-sama

Ikuto: you know Yuki I really do care about you you know that right?

yuki: (nods) I should get going, goodbye , brother( hugs)

ikuto: goodbye Yuki take care of yourself, okay?

yuki: (his back) Hai, you too...
( after that Yuki and Sora leave to St. Marie Academy )

(After a while sora and yuki encounter a certain green haired boy)

Hanabusa: And so we meet again Ojou-San ...

Yuki: Aren't you supposed to start with "hello"? And please don't call me 'Ojou-San' okay? My name is Tsukiyomi Yuki.

Hanabusa: (sweatdrop) okayy....

Sora: Ohayou! (Chibi grin face)

hanabusa: Ohayou, what's your name
Sora: (puts hand to chest in a confident manner, Im Sora!

???: well,aren't you a joie de vivre ...[1]

Sora: (hears something) eh? did you hear that?

Yuki: (looks at sora curiously) hear what, Sora? (looks to see hanabusa nervous)

Hanabusa: (gestures toward school) M-Maybe w-we should get inside, okay (faltering smile) shall we, milady (holds out hand and starts mumbling)

Yuki: (looks at him and sighs) I told you it's Tsukiyomi Yuki , and who are you talking to?

Hanbusa: N-No one at all!
Yuki: Umm... alright then, let's get inside, come on sora...

Sora: Hai (right!) !

[1]= means joy of life

Yumeiro Patissiere- Sweets Of The Heart(Satsuki Hanabusa Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now