Where Are All The Blue Cookies?

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Percy's POV:

My legs moved automatically towards the Great Hall. I was still in a daze after Professor Slughorn had shooed me out. He knew Chiron? That's new. Chiron had never mentioned that he knew people here in Europe, then again, one doesn't usually mention slightly pudgy wizards who have a fondness for candied pineapple.

I slid into the Hall just as Professor Dumbledore stood up.

"Thank you all for coming on time!" 

I swear he winked at me.

"We have a guest who will be staying for lunch. She would like to make an announcement before we eat." 

Only then did I notice the woman standing beside him. She had curly black hair, and I saw something that looked like a snake wrapped around a skull tattooed on her arm, which was hidden in her sleeve.

Other students gasped. They pointed to her face and started whispering. None of them noticed her tattoo. 

"That's Bellatrix Lestrange!" Ron whisper-shouted. Then all the students stopped talking, and an uneasy hush fell over the hall. Dumbledore smiled at all of us.

"Mrs. Lestrange, the podium is yours." The lady- Mrs. Lestrange - stepped up and smiled at the array of astonished faces in front of her.

"Hello...many of you know me as Bellatrix Lestrange, loyal servant of the Dark Lord. But...what you don't know is that all those years after my husband's death, I sensed a change of heart. It was gradual, definitely, not enough to prevent me from aiding my lord in the previous battle, but now, I am proud to say that the Lestranges are no longer associating with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named." Half-hearted clapping broke out among the students. 

I was not one of them. There was something very...off about her words. Technically, wasn't Voldemort killed in the last battle? If he had truly died, then there would be nothing to be loyal to anyways. And plus, you don't need to be on the well-known part of the enemy side to be on the enemy side. What about all those other dark wizards like Grundy-Malt and stuff? And, plus, did no one care about her tattoo that was currently grinning evilly up into her sleeve?


Bellatrix Lestrange sat down and students started clamoring for food. Dumbledore stood up and raised his hands.

"Now, let's eat!" He clapped his hands twice and food appeared on the tables. I scanned the tables expectantly, searching for the one thing I always ate with my lunch. When I didn't see it anywhere, I started to panic.

"Where are all the blue cookies?" I screamed. The hall grew silent. 


I am most definitely NOT obsessed with my blue cookies.

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