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Percy's POV:

When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I saw was a little bundle of...something flying around the boys' dormitory. It noticed that I was awake, and as it flew closer, I saw that it was an owl.

"Shoot." I mumbled, scooting away from it. It just flew closer, hooting happily. 

"No, go away little owl, don't hurt me," I pleaded desperately. Why was Athena torturing me?

Then I head a sleepy voice ring through the silent air.

"Wha-? Oh, hey, Percy, looks like you finally met Pig." he yawned.


"Well, his real name is Pigwidgeon, but it's a stupid name for a stupid bird. Ginny named him, what did you expect?" I shrugged. Ron let out a lazy chuckle and got out of bed. I watched as he walked over to Harry's bed and tugged on the covers. Ron was dressed in something crazy that looked like a dress, and it took me a moment to realize it was a nightgown. This wizarding world is really confusing.


I trotted down the stairway, already dressed in my official Hogwarts robes. I had slipped some flexible clothing on, plus a very light, near transparent suit of armor the Hephaestus and Hecate kids were working on together. Leo had insisted on giving the first finished outfit to me, even though everyone knew that the most powerful demigod in history didn't really need armor. I'm not trying to sound conceited, it's just a fact.

Anyways, ADHD getting off track. So I was jogging through the hallways, one hand slipped in my pocket where Riptide was, when, out of the corner, appears no other...than..............

Hermione and Ginny.

"Oh!" Ginny yelped, surprised when she bumped into me. Her cheeks turned a bright shade of red.

"Oh, hey, Ginny, 'Mione. I think I'm a little lost. Which way is the Hall again?" When I addressed them, they both turned dark red. Either these girls are way too bashful, like Bashful from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, or they like me or something like that. That would be weird. We've only known each other for about a week.

"'s that way," Hermione stuttered feebly, waving a hand in the direction of the wall.

Of course, me being me, I promptly ran smack into the wall. Now I think I know why the Sorting Hat stuck me in Gryffindor. "Kinda stupid" as my mom had so wisely put.

Hermione snorted, and when I looked back at her with my baby-seal-doesn't-really-understand-what's-going-on face, she looked back to normal.

"Idiot," she muttered. "Come on, Percy. Ginny and I'll show you the way."

She grabbed my arm and dragged me off. Ginny following behind, laughing.

Hermione's POV:

When we reached the Great Hall, both Ginny and I were almost out of breath, but Percy looked like he had barely broken a sweat. Wow, Percy is probably a really good athlete. Too bad we don't have P.E. here at Hogwarts like I used to have in my Muggle elementary school.

I pushed open the doors and the first thing I see is Harry and Ron leaning over their sausages, appearing to be in deep conversation.
I shrugged and led Percy over to the Gryffindor table, stealing a piece of French toast from the Hufflepuffs along the way. 

As we passed the Ravenclaw table, I noticed a young girl, probably around third year or so, look up at us.
 She was sitting by herself, with fruit and what looked like a thin pancake made of onion.
If we were allowed to sit at other House tables, I might've invited her over to the Gryffindor table, at least until she met my gaze.
Her dark brown eyes were mysterious, and not like anyone's I've ever seen.
They seemed to be broken, hiding dark secrets, but I shook it off and made my way to where the boys were sitting.

Percy was there, waiting for me. 

"Everything okay?" he asked.

I nodded.  Percy had a plate piled full of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, those onion pancake things, pretty much everything. I noticed that one thing was missing though: fruit. Even this not-so-little boy needs something other than carbohydrates on his plate. I grabbed a handful of strawberries and threw them on top of his food. He pouted, but didn't protest. 

Good boy.

Percy started to shovel down a huge mouthful of eggs, but then suddenly he stopped, frozen with wide eyes. I was kind of scared.

"Percy?" I waved my hand in front of his face. He jumped, and realizing that I had been watching, started muttering things that didn't sound too pleasant. Taking his plate, he hurried up the steps to the professors' table and bent in with Dumbledore. After a moment, Dumbledore nodded and pointed towards an empty room, handing Percy a small vial of 

Percy grinned and saluted smartly. He headed into the room, and closed the door. However, he didn't actually close it all the way, and I watched as he scraped around a third of his food into a bright green fire. 

I narrowed my eyes as he tossed in all the strawberries, too, but I didn't say anything. 

Suddenly I had a feeling that someone else was watching as well, and turning around, noticed the Ravenclaw from earlier, also watching Percy intently. She turned away, though, once Percy came out.

Percy grinned again as he sat down, and started shoveling food into his mouth without care. I plonked some more strawberries onto his plate, and he popped one into his mouth, leaves and all. I made a face, and he laughed, his mouth full.

"Ew, you're gross."

"So I've heard."


Percy's POV:

Everyone was just finishing up breakfast, when I heard wingbeats approaching. At first I thought it was just a random flock of geese or something flying overhead, but then a familiar shape soared in through the window. 


It's an owl.


Then more owls come soaring in, until they've almost filled up the ceiling, flying around and dropping papers and packages. Praying to all the gods I know that they don't see me, I slowly slide underneath the table. 

Suddenly all of the owls slow down, and one by one, start turning their heads to look in my direction. I slowly crawled out from under the table, seriously almost scared to death. Then the owls start zooming at me. 

"HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S A DEATH MOB OF ATHENA SPAWN!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed and sprinted out of the Great Hall, a flock of angry owls in hot pursuit.

The Lost Dark Lord (Percy Jackson Grandson of Voldemort)Where stories live. Discover now