I Know My Cauldron Is Hot, Malfoy, But There's No Need To Hit On It

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Percy's POV:

I read the directions in my Potions book:

 Pour in half a cup of powdered root of asphodel and wait five seconds, before stirring counterclockwise seventeen times. 

Nah, I don't feel like following the rules. Then again, I almost never follow the rules anyways. I literally dumped a whole cup in and smacked the surface of the goopy substance with my stirring stick. 

Malfoy growled. "Jackson, if you're trying to fail the class, don't ruin my chances."

I smiled innocently at him. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you get to fail too!"

He groaned and smacked his head onto the table. Luckily for him, he just barely missed the caterpillar juice. Unluckily for him, the cup of juice wobbled a bit and splashed him.

"Aargh!" He jumped up and hit his head on the cauldron behind our heads. 

Harry sniggered from the other side and sassily commented, "I know my cauldron is hot, Malfoy, but there's no need to hit on it." 

Hey, that's not nice. He can't just sass other people, that's my job, not his!


After I finished "abiding by the rules of potion-making," as Hermione calls it, Professor Slughorn walked around the room, inspecting every cauldron to see how well we made our potions. 

I checked my potion one last time, and it apparently had the desired shade of blue that it was supposed to have. I literally winged the whole thing, so I wouldn't be surprised if the color was the only thing I got right. I even forgot the name of the potion we were supposed to make.

Slughorn briefly paused at Hermione, giving her a jolly grin and ten points, before stopping to peer over Harry's potion. He had actually tried to follow the instructions, but the end result was a shade darker than it was supposed to be. I know this only because mine was the same shade as Hermione's who apparently gets it correct every time and Harry's wasn't. I also once got really into all the different shades of blue when I was younger. 

I think there's like seventy or something, just ask Annabeth. She remembers. Then again, don't take my word for it. I'm bad at remembering things.

I was nudged back to reality as Slughorn stopped beside my cauldron. 

"What's this?" his eyes widened. Malfoy immediately started protesting. 

"Professor Slughorn, sir, it wasn't my fault! I tried to tell him to follow the directions, but he wouldn't listen, and-" he was cut off by Professor Slughorn, who held up a hand. Malfoy immediately stopped talking. 

"Percy, is this your first time brewing a potion?"

"Yes, sir."

"Did you follow the directions?"

"No, sir."

"Why is it this shade of blue?"

"I have no idea, sir."

"What is this potion called?"

"I forgot, sir." Slughorn smiled. He tapped his fingers together a little bit.


"Yeah? Sir?"

"You are a genius! You have had no proper training before, and yet you have managed to brew an excellent potion! Fifteen points to Gyrffindor! Have a good day, everyone!"

The bell rang, and all the students quickly packed up, clamoring as they rushed to the Great Hall for lunch. I was the last one to leave. As I was walking towards the door, Professor Slughorn called to me, 

"Percy, m'boy, you really are an amazing person! Savior of Olympus, one of the Seven, and the best swordsman in three hundred years! I still cannot believe that you are also a wizard!" I turned around, my hunger dissipating. 

"What did you say?" 

Slughorn beamed. "Oh, Percy, m'boy, surely you know that I am connected to many, many, famous people! One of whom resides in a wheelchair and currently teaches at a summer camp in New York!" He winked, and shooed me out of the classroom. "Now, run along and go eat lunch with your friends."


Sorry for the shorter chapter! I will try to update soon but I am also feeling really lazy for the summer so no promises.

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