Just Molly, Please

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Percy's POV:

The world suddenly stopped spinning, and I stumbled to regain my balance. 

"I feel like my uncle took me on one of those rides again." I muttered, referring to when my oh-so-dear Uncle Zeusie makes me sick on almost every single plane ride I've been on.

"What do you mean? Not on your mom's side, surely." Arthur Weasley looked at me suspiciously.

"No, no," I assured him. "My dad's younger brother runs an amusement park, and every time I go, he makes me ride the highest roller-coaster there with him. I developed a fear of heights from that place, although that will hopefully go away soon." 

"Who's your dad again?" 

"Atlantis Cronuson." Eh...whatever. Good enough. I think they believed me, because they nodded and started heading towards a run-down, tilting, two-story shack perched precariously on the side of the road. I know how to use big adverbs (or is it adjectives?), people. I know my stuff. 

As we neared the shack (called the Burrow, Santa-Man told me), a shorter, red-haired woman came bustling out, reminding me vaguely of my mom. 

"Albus! So good to see you again! Severus, do come in for a cup of tea. Arthur, you'd best get inside before the twins burn the place down," She addressed them all at once, just like my mom would. Why am I comparing them so much? Then the red-haired lady came up to me. 

"Hello! I'm Arthur's wife, Molly Weasley. Welcome to our house, the Burrow. You must be the new half-blood wizard, Perseus Jackson, right? We have some guests over, but you will go to Hogwarts with them, so it would be better to introduce yourself earlier." She greeted me warmly, making me feel...reasonably comfortable, actually. Although there was just one thing I had to correct: 

"It's just Percy, please, Mrs. Weasley." 

"Okay, Percy it is, and just Molly, please. Mrs. Weasley makes me feel too old."

"Okay, Just Molly." She laughed, ruffling my hair affectionately, then beckoned me inside. Seated on the old couch, three kids were laughing and talking. Three other redheaded kids sat at the table, building a tower of cards. Suddenly...BOOM!! went the cards, leaving only a small pile of smoking ash and three kids in gales of laughter. I did a quick face count and counted two girls and four boys. One girl had brown, frizzy hair, like Hazel. She also actually kinda looked like a Caucasian Hazel.  

The other girl was one of the redheads playing cards. There were three redheaded boys, all of them tall, with freckles. Two of them looked like twins, and I did not want to introduce them to the Stolls. The last person was a dark-haired boy, and he looked something like I might've looked if I wasn't a demigod, minus the glasses. He also had a scar on his forehead, in the shape of a lightning bolt. I wonder if Zeus gave it to him. I think he sensed someone watching him, because suddenly his eyes caught mine, and then he jerked a little bit, as if someone or something zapped him. He quickly looked away. Molly smiled at me, then cleared her throat. All the kids looked her way. Impressive, but my mom could do the same just by holding a cookie in the air. Wait, am I still comparing them together?

"Who's dat?" One of the twins asked, nodding at me with a smirk. 

"Dat is me, the new wizard coming to Hogwarts." I replied smoothly. Now it was my turn to smirk as his jaw dropped. The boy with the scar on his forehead looked up. "You're coming to Hogwarts?" At the same time, Hazel-look-alike looked up too. "Have you read Hogwarts: A History yet? It's amazing!" 

"Yes, no, did you mean amazhang?" The girl looked at me funny. I shrugged and shook my head, trying to say never mind.

Then the redheaded girl came up to me. "Hi, I'm Ginny Weasley. These are my brothers Ron," she gestured to the shorter redhead, who frowned, "Fred, and George." 

She jerked her thumb at the two twins respectively. At first I wondered why she jerked her thumb at the same boy twice, then realized that the twins had switched places while she had been introducing them.

"Hey." They said at the same time. Okay, these guys really remind me of the Stolls.

Harry's POV:

When the guy walked in, I noticed right away, but pretended not to see him. I think he saw me peeking, though, because when I glanced at him he was looking right at me. My scar suddenly twinged with pain, and I jumped. I looked away as fast as I could, making a mental note to tell Ron and Hermione later. Mrs. Weasley cleared her throat, and we all looked her way. 

"Who's dat?" George asked, smirking.

"Dat is me, the new wizard coming to Hogwarts." the new boy said smoothly. I looked at him, surprised. 

"You're coming to Hogwarts?" I asked, right as Hermione got that let's-talk-book-stuff gleam in her eye. "Have you read Hogwarts: A History yet? It's amazing!"

"Yes, no, did you mean amaezhang?" Hermione stared at him. Using no words, I think he was able to let Hermione know to let it go. I mean, the actual phrase, not the Disney song. Then Ginny stepped up. 

"Hi, I'm Ginny Weasley. These are my brothers Ron," here she motioned to Ron, who frowned, clearly thinking he could've introduced himself. "Fred, and George." 

She actually motioned to the correct twin each time, considering the fact that 1) she's not looking at them directly, and 2) they swapped places. 

"Hey." They said at the same time. The twinning stuff they do is really creepy sometimes. The guy just smirked. Maybe he's a twin. Then the boy introduced himself.

"Hi everyone, I'm Percy Jackson. I'm a half-blood. My mom's a Hufflepuff and my dad was a Slytherin. I just found out about my wizardly blood a few days ago, so now I'm here." I stared, shocked that a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin had actually gotten married. 

"Who's your mom?" Mrs. Weasley asked. 

"Sally Jackson." Mrs. Weasley paused for a moment, then suddenly broke out into a grin. 

"Here, let me show you something." Mrs. Weasley bustled over to the bookshelf, where she drew out a photo album. She flipped back and forth, until stopping on a page and handing the book to Percy. He took it, puzzled, but then his face broke out into a smile when he saw the photo. 

I stepped closer to look at it, and the picture featured three people: Mrs. Weasley a few years in, Professor Snape just starting out, and a young girl with brown hair, holding up a Hufflepuff Head Girl badge proudly. The kid couldn't have been older than Snape at the time. They were all standing close together and laughing, although I noticed the little girl was in the middle, separating Mrs. Weasley and Snape. They both had one arm around the girl, who kept bouncing in delight.

I was confused and slightly irritated. Why was this first year holding up a Head Girl badge? My emotions must have shown clearly on my face, because Percy laughed at me. I reddened, but then came Mrs. Weasley to the rescue. 

"Sally Jackson started her schooling at Hogwarts when she was five. She was a special case, since her mom had died and her dad was nowhere to be found.Of course, Professor Dumbledore took her in. She was probably the best witch of her time."

And I thought Hermione was good. Suddenly I felt boiling anger start to build up inside me. 

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