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Bit of a time skip. Also I kinda forgot how far into the school year it's been, so let's just say it's been about two months. Halloween time!

Percy's POV:

Over the next week or so, Sepia helped me put together a small list of people who could tell me more about Voldemort. October was drawing to a close, and the holiday season was starting. Soon, I would have to begin prepping for my short term as a Hogwarts professor.

One day, I was eating lunch in the Great Hall when Snape swooped in from a side door and approached Dumbledore very hastily. Chatter died down as everyone's attention was drawn to the very intense look in Dumbledore's eyes as he listened to whatever Snape was saying.

Dumbledore stood up and placed his wand to his throat. "Attention, everyone! Will you please report to your prefects and make your way to your common rooms! Mr Perseus Jackson, please come up here."

Excited conversation burst out all over the hall as people scrambled to report to their prefects and figure out what was going on. I made my way to the professors' table, noting with some annoyance that Harry and his friends were sneaking under their Invisibility Cloak.

"Percy, there's a Chimera outside by the Black Lake," Dumbledore told me.

"What?!" I exclaimed. "How? Why?"

Dumbledore shrugged. "Who knows," he said, "but it is a danger to the school and you should probably go kill it now."

Okay, no big deal, just turning a monster into dust for a very powerful wizard so that the safest place in the Wizarding World won't feel threatened. It's totally not like the author is trying to make up an excuse to speed up the plot. Wait, what?

Yeah, I'm not doing anything.

Oh well. Gotta do what I gotta do, I guess. I slapped on my invisibility cap and very casually sauntered out the door. It's way more fun than vapor-travelling. Like, thanks Dad, but I don't want to have to dissolve every time I want to get somewhere. I don't think bones and muscles are built to do that.

Outside, the Chimera was sitting and staring at its reflection in the Black Lake. It actually looked bored, like it was zapped here and told to wait for me to come out.

"What's up, doc?" I asked, taking off my cap. The Chimera jumped to its feet in surprise. I should totally have a carrot I can take a bite out of. That would be hilarious.

"PERSEUS JACKSON!" it roared.

"THAT'S MY NAME!" I shouted back. It growled and charged at me. I leaped back and rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding being crushed to death by its huge hooves.

Maybe it didn't seem like I was going to dodge the hoof, because Hermione, who had obviously followed me out here (somehow) with Harry and Ron, let out a scream. While very distracting, and a bit screechy, I was able to ignore her and fish Riptide out of my pocket.

"STAY DEAD, STUPID!" I shouted, slicing off one of the Chimera's hind legs. Off came the other leg, and a plunge through the chest made it explode into pixie dust. Like fairies. Lol.

While I was marveling at the similarities of dead-monster dust and fairy dust, I didn't notice that the Chimera had whipped its snake-headed tail at the last moment, and just before it burst into dust, the snake had the audacity to bite me on the shoulder.

I screamed in pain, no longer rejoicing over my easy win but folding under the agony of the snake venom seeping into my veins. I could feel myself losing consciousness, and tried to aim for the watery depths of the Black Lake as I crumpled to the ground.

Faintly, I could hear Hermione screaming again, and footsteps thundered in my brain as the trio ran over to try and heal me. But none of their dittanies or spells were working, and since I had missed the Lake, I was as good as dead.

Suddenly, the crisp, clean Oregon air filled my lungs and I found the strength to sit up. Whoa! I came back to life!

Hermione screamed again. Why is she screaming? Also, how exactly am I alive?

The crisp, clean Oregon air filled your lungs.

I'm in Scotland. There's no way Oregon air made it all the way here without getting polluted. Darn you, author.

Darn you, too. I'm trying to write.

I sneezed. All the snake venom sloshed out through my nose and fell onto Ron's shoes, burning a hole in them but not harming him one bit.

Okay. I'm alive. I'm not dead. I should be dead. I'm not. OH MY GODS I'VE CONQUERED DEATH.

Instantly, I fell back onto the ground, no longer breathing.

So...not Halloween time. War's a-coming, folks!

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