Gods of the Empire State Building

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Percy's POV:

I waited in annoyance as the delivery guy finished handing off the boxes to the receptionist. The three wizards stood just outside, waiting patiently. Finally! The delivery guy left, and I stepped up. 


"I need the key to the 600th floor."

"Don't be stupid, kid."

"I'm a godsdammed demigod, you mortal. Can you hurry up?"

He shoved the key into my hands and backed off. 


I got into the elevator and scanned the key. Apollo's latest music album started playing from the ceiling. 

...still up thinking of you

If I showed you all I really want to 

Would you stay, dare push me away?

I just can't take it any longer.

Timid heart, hide my scars.

Make me stronger...

I can't take it any longer. I need, I need you like water

It's on the tip of my tongue, I'm not asking for much

Just your love and not another

'Cause your embrace keeps me warmer

Can I tell you this time, how I wish you were mine.

 The song kept playing, and right before the elevator stopped at level 600, Apollo's voice rang through the elevator. "And that concludes my latest album, composed of songs by Pentatonix!"

Pentatonix, huh. Never heard of them.

I strolled through Olympus and marched up to the doors, then pushed them open with a mighty heave. I stepped to the side, and heard a voice.

"Who opened the door?" Zeusie thundered.

"H-he's not back, is he?" Apollo mumbled.

"No, you dolts, it's just me." I said, stepping into the throne room. Zeus sighed in exasperation. "What are you doing here, weakling?" "You called me here, duh."

"Yes, we did. Of course he remembered." Hestia stepped in, shooting a look at Zeus. "Let's get started, then." All the gods sighed, either from relief or dread.

"I, Lord Zeus, ruler of the skies, give you the ability to control wind, and you shall not be harmed in the air."

"I, Lady Hera, wife of Zeus, give you the ability to speak directly to those in need, whether they be mortal, godly, or animal."

"I, Lord Poseidon, ruler of the seas, give you the ability to vapor-travel, and the skill of shapeshifting. Take this. Break it in time of need." He handed me a blue sand dollar on a necklace. I put it on.

"I, Lord Hades, ruler of the Underworld, give you the ability to summon/touch ghosts, control Underworld animals, and control metals and jewels."

"I, Lady Demeter, ruler of plants and cereal, give you the ability to grow plant without destroying them, and control them, along with the ability to eat as much cereal as you want."

"Hmph. I, Lord Dionysus, god of wine, give you the ability to not be harmed by any drink, and you can pick my grapes if you want."

"I, Lord Apollo, god of poetry and the sun, give you the ability to shed light wherever and whenever, and you shall also be able to compose excellent haikus like me!"

"I, Lady Artemis, goddess of the moon and the hunt, give you the ability to wield a bow and arrow skillfully, and you will not be harmed by arrows of any kind."

"I, Lord Ares, god of war, give you the ability to defeat any opponent in battle, even faster reflexes and instinct, and uh...that's it."

"I, Lady Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, give you the ability of charmspeaking and great fashion sense. Also, you will be able to speak any language and detect love problems. "

"I, Lord Hermes, god of messages, trickery, thieves, travelers, that minor stuff, give you the ability to utilize any type of resource. You will also be able to steal anything you want without getting caught."

"I, Lord Hephaestus, god of blacksmiths and the forge, give you the ability to wield fire and not get harmed."

And lastly...

"I, Lady Athena, goddess of architecture and battle strategy, give the ability to read anything. Yes, that means no dyslexia. I will also give you this cap." She threw the hat at me, and I caught it neatly. It had a owlish design, but at least the color was a varied range of blues.

I was about to leave when Hecate appeared. "I am going to give young Perseus a blessing too."

"I, Lady Hecate, give you the ability to control the Mist, and you will also be able to use your......surprise weapon without trouble. Riptide will also be able to cut through anything." I was confused. What surprise weapon? I already had Riptide.

Hestia smiled and rose from where she sat at the hearth. "Go with the gods, Perseus, and-" Here she was cut off by Athena. "May the odds be ever in your favor!" Um...yeah. "Anyways, Perseus, be careful of those you recognize." She shared a knowing glance with Hecate, who smiled grimly.  I thanked her, bowed to the majority of the gods and goddesses, then turned and left.

Only after getting off the elevator at the first floor did I go back and realize that 14 gods/goddesses had given me blessings. Interesting...

I walked out of the door and was met by the fresh air.

 "Well, Mr. Jackson, that took you long enough." I suddenly remembered that there were people waiting for me. 

"Oh, hi, and it's just Percy." Severus nodded and started to walk away, towards a secluded spot. 

"Wait, what about my-" Dumbledore held up my suitcase. "Oh. Wait, where are we going?"

"You say the word 'wait' a lot, considering the fact that you don't usually wait." Arthur mused. Dumbledore shot him a warning glance, but I just chuckled. 

"Still, where are we going?"

"We're going to Apparate to London." "A pear rating?" "No, Apparating."

"It still sounds like we're going to rate a pear." I said stubbornly.

Snape sighed in defeat. "Hold on." Even though  I could have just done it through vapor-traveling, I linked my elbow through his. I had barely grabbed on when he spun around and we all got sucked into an invisible vortex.

The Lost Dark Lord (Percy Jackson Grandson of Voldemort)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें