Hufflepuff and Slytherin

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Sally's POV:

Right when Percy cut the connection, someone knocked on the door. 

"Coming!" I called, bending down to check on my second batch of cookies. Satisfied,  I straightened out and cautiously walked over. I checked through the "teeny spying wormhole" as Percy calls it to make sure there was no one dangerous outside, then unlocked the door to let three people in.

The tallest, and oldest, introduced himself as Albus Dumbledore. He seemed very old, and wise beyond what mortals could imagine. The next one was thinner, and had a lean, sloping manner to his stance. With shaggy red hair, I was distinctly reminded of Rachel Dare and the Stolls combined. 

"Arthur Weasley." I nodded politely.

The last one I hugged tightly before stepping back to examine. 

"Sev..." I started.

"I know, I have to eat more." I bit my lip, unsure of how to tell him that Percy was a demigod. 

"Um, no, actually."

"Really? Awesome, I don't have to eat any cookies!" 

"That's offensive." I spun around to find Percy standing in the hallway, slouched against the wall, calmly munching on one of my cookies. "Hi mom. I pulled the cookies out of the oven for you, since you apparently didn't hear the timer go off." 

Percy winked at Severus, making him flush slightly. I grabbed Percy by the wrist, and gave him a tight hug. 

"Why didn't you come home from camp sooner?" I finally asked, pulling away. 

"Well..." he overexaggerated the "ll" sound. "One, I had to pack," he lifted a suitcase, "and two, today was Eat Cookies for Breakfast Day." Of course. Behind me, Sev made a gagging sound. Percy narrowed his eyes.

"Who are you?"(A/N who do you think said that? Percy or Snape?)

Percy's POV:

Santa-Man stepped forward first. 

"My name is Albus Dumbledore, and you may call me Professor Dumbledore." His tone implied that it was more of a command than a casual statement.

"This is Arthur Weasley," motioning the red-haired man forward. 

"And Severus Snape." This was the guy making lovey-dovey eyes at my mom. He was moderately tall, thin, with the same dress - no, robes - as Mold-a-Mart. With stringy black hair and shrewd, black, calculating eyes, I had no idea how he and my mom were attracted to each other. Oh well, there's a first time for everything.

My mom handed me the letter, but before I could open it, Albus-Dumbledore-Professor-Dumbledore stopped me. "There's no need. As we are already here, I can just personally give you a list and a ticket."

"NOW HOLD ON A MINUTE-" my mom was cut off by Dumbledore continuing. 

"You will be accompanied by Kingsley Shacklebolt to get all of your needed supplies. End of discussion."

I could tell that my mom was on the verge of breaking out in protest, so with a hurried motion, I dragged her into my room. 

"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked, after shutting the door securely.

"I don't know how to tell Severus that you're more than just a wizard."

"A what now?"

"A wizard, Percy." She started to get impatient. 

I needed to clarify. "Wizard, like tall pointy hat and magic wands, abracadabra, right?" 

"Not really, but yes, like that." I gaped at her. She sighed. 

"When I was younger, I grew up in a magical household somewhere in England. My mom was a pure-blooded witch and my dad was a half-blood wizard. You know about the plane crash. When the plane crash happened, everyone assumed they were both dead. And my mom was, but my dad escaped, without any trace. 

After the crash, I was sent as a student to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At Hogwarts, there are seven years of studies. I started and finished all my classes around five years early, and I met Severus at the beginning of my seventh year. He was just starting at Hogwarts. 

I was in Hufflepuff, the House for kind, generous, selfless, and loyal people. I loved it there. Severus was in Slytherin, the House for cunning, tricky, clever, ambitious, and shrewd people. The other two Houses are Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Gryffindor is for the brave, courageous, arrogant, proud, and kinda stupid people. Ravenclaw is for the smart, clever, wise, and academically ambitious people. 

Poseidon saw me after the plane crash and semi-stalked me all the way through Hogwarts. He knew I was good friends with Severus, so he convinced the Sorting Hat to sneak him into Slytherin, which made it easier for him to see me more often, as I spent a lot of time around Severus. We became good friends, and after we both finished schooling at Hogwarts I came with him to America, where I had you much, much later. Both my parents were Slytherin, but I was a Hufflepuff. It was just in my nature. My mom was called Madeleine, and my dad was called Tom Riddle. As for my father's current whereabouts, no one knows where he is. 

Percy, be careful. The people out there are all wizards, and they want you to go to Hogwarts. I am not sure how to approach this dilemma, because I don't know if your magical blood and godly blood will clash more when you arrive at Hogwarts. The gods have been arguing over whether letting you go to Hogwarts, but after a week, a compromise was declared. You would go, but each Olympian must give you a special gift/blessing, courtesy of Lady Hestia and Lady Hecate."

It took me about five minutes to fully understand what she had said. I couldn't believe the Olympians would send me off like that! I don't even know why I need to go, I mean, couldn't they just ask another wizard? I calmed down and said, "Can I tell Annabeth?" 

My mom nodded, but said, "All you can tell her is that there was a family emergency." I was puzzled, but I complied and immediately made a rainbow appear using water vapor.

"O Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Annabeth Chase at Camp Half-Blood." The Athena cabin appeared, and I saw Annabeth sprawled on her bed with a blueprint rolled out, deep in thought.

"Hi Wise Girl."

"Seaweed Brain! Aren't you supposed to be training the younger campers right now? Wait, where are you?"

"No, I'm at mom's apartment. Annabeth, I have to travel somewhere. It's family business across the Atlantic."

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know exactly. My mom can't make it so I have to go. I don't know how long it will take me."

"Don't let this turn into a flipped Mark of Athena quest."

"I'll try not to."



"Just go already!" She blew a kiss and cut the connection.


 I grabbed my suitcase lying on the bed and dragged it behind me, out the door and through the kitchen, grabbing about half a dozen cookies too. Severus wrinkled his nose, and I just smirked. I plopped the suitcase in the back of the taxi waiting outside, the three wizards already seated. I scooted in and smiled grimly, munching on a cookie.

"Empire State Building, here we come!"

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