Maffo's Bishnish

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So, we didn't get to 1k, but I'll give y'all one chapter for now. :)

Harry's POV:

"Hermione! Hermione, wait!" I was running down the hall, trying to grab Hermione's attention before we entered the Great Hall for lunch. 

"What is it, Harry?" She stopped and turned to me. 

When I noticed that she had stopped, I tried to slow down, but it was too late. I crashed into her, knocking both of us against the wall as the horde of students continued to lunch. 

"Sorry," I mumbled, my face red, trying to get off of her, but was unsuccessful due to a wave of chattering second-years pushing past us. Groaning in discomfort, I leaned against the wall to wait out the crowd.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" A drawling voice was behind us. I turned, and both Hermione and I blushed red as we noticed Malfoy leaning against the wall. Surprisingly, the hall had cleared already. 

Discreetly, I kicked Hermione's foot to get it off my robe. 

"That's none of your business, Malfoy," Hermione snapped at him. Then Ron appeared, clutching a chicken drumstick in his hand and chewing on something.

"Wha's none o' Maffo's bishnish?" 

He froze as he noticed the compromising position Hermione and I were trying to get out of. "Wha's goin' on? Oi, ma'e, geroff o' her!" He swallowed his food. 

Hastily, I peeled myself off of Hermione, sliding my arm out from behind her back. Ron had a thunderous look on his face, his wand out. Malfoy was smirking, clearly enjoying this. "Sod off, Malfoy," Ron snapped.

"Wow, such big words you're using, Weasel. Did you finally get enough money for a proper education?"

Ron snorted, "You're getting the same level of education I am."

Malfoy's smirk faded for a moment before it grew again. "Yes, but what was your Transfiguration mark again? An Acceptable?" 

Ron flushed. "Again, sod off, Malfoy."

"No, I don't think I will." 

"Actually, you will sod off, Malfoy," Black said as she appeared, tugging at Malfoy's arm. "My mom needs to talk to you. Come on. We have to hurry." 

Malfoy smiled when Black arrived but scowled when he heard he had to leave. 

"But the love triangle!" He protested as Black dragged him off. 

"Love triangle?" Ron's face was incredulous. Hermione shook her head and rolled her eyes. I sighed. Then I remembered why I had crashed into Hermione. 

"I need to tell you something. Let's go somewhere else." I pulled Hermione off the wall and turned to duck into a secret passageway when a sound of disbelief made me turn back to Ron. 

He was staring at something between me and Hermione, and I followed his gaze to our joined hands. I sighed again, the side of my head twinging, but continued to pull her into the passageway. 

"Bloody love triangle," Ron muttered, as he followed us in.

When the tapestry had fallen again, I spoke quickly. "Jackson was late to class today." 

Their confused faces urged me on. "Well - not really, but you know what I mean." 

Ron shook his head as Hermione nodded. "Like, he wasn't there when Slughorn started taking roll, but then he was, and then he was going on about how he had been there the whole time, which he was, but he really wasn't, right?" 

Ron and Hermione exchanged a look that clearly said, He's crazy

I stared at them. "You don't believe me."

Hermione wrinkled her nose slightly, which she does when she's confused. "What are you trying to tell us?"

I froze, trying to figure out what I was trying to tell them. 

Finally, I settled on "I thought he was late, but when Slughorn took attendance, he told him that he wasn't late. He wasn't lying, because Malfoy agreed with him." 

Ron and Hermione exchanged a look. I sighed for the third time in five minutes. My headache was getting worse. 

"If Malfoy agreed with Jackson, doesn't that make it suspicious?" Ron asked, before taking a bite out of his drumstick. I shrugged. 

Ron gaped at me, giving me a clear view of the chewed-up food in his mouth. I scrunched my eyes shut in disgust, and Hermione scooted away from him, shuddering slightly.

"Ron's right," Hermione spoke up. "I've never really known you to be indecisive about something Malfoy." 

"True, but like - argh!" I groaned in exasperation, clutching my head. My vision swam. Hermione's worried face floated up to me. 

"Harry, are you okay? Is your scar hurting? Harry? Harry!" I only faintly heard Hermione, my attention on the pounding pain in my head. 

"Ron, go get Madam Pomfrey!" was the last thing I heard before I slipped into unconsciousness. 

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