Family Problems

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Percy's POV:

Suddenly I felt heat coming off of something, or someone. I glanced at Harry and he looked extremely pissed for some reason. I quickly changed the subject, not wanting to watch Harry explode. 

"So, do you know who my mom's parents were?" Molly's face clouded over, and she hesitated, then nodded.

"Who?" I noticed Harry had gotten excited, and a little smug. Maybe he wanted to know so that he could tease me about it. Or so he could keep acting heroic because his parents died.

"I'm afraid a private audience would be more preferable." Molly finally said. I nodded, but Harry looked like he was planning something. 


I sat down at the kitchen table, accompanied by Molly, Mr. Weasley, Dumbledore Santa-Man, and Severus. Mr. Weasley spoke first, his voice tight and apprehensive.

"Percy, first of all, you have to know that you cannot speak of this conversation to anyone." Everyone nodded. "Secondly, you have to be willing to deal with the insults." 

Check, check. I nodded. Then Professor Santa-Man stood up. Everyone sat, awkwardly still. 

"Perseus Jackson, your mother's mother died in the plane crash, as she told you. Your grandmother was Madeleine Jackson (deal with it, idk what i'm doing). She is not of great importance to this conversation. However, your grandfather was - and still is - one of the most feared wizards in history. He did not tolerate his surname, and therefore now goes by his - how do you say it - self-appointed title. Which would you prefer?"

I hesitated. This guy sounded about as scary as Cerberus. "Title."


Harry's POV:

"-Voldemort." I jerked back from the Extendable Ear I was holding, like it was poisonous. I looked around, suddenly remembering the presence of my friends.

Hermione was staring, horrified, into her Extendable Ear.

Ron had a face of utter disgust, horror, and loathing on his face.

Ginny's face was pale, and she had clapped a hand over her mouth. 

Fred and George had identical looks of horror on their faces.

Pretty much everyone was horrified.

I knew it. Something was up with him. Why hadn't I noticed it before? He's obviously someone who has a record for being a troublemaker. It all fits together! Suddenly a thought struck me. Well, then who's his grandfather on the dad's side? I thought about it for a moment, then dismissed the idea. His grandfather couldn't be nearly as bad as Voldemort.


I poked Fred's shoulder, then George's. At the same time, they said, "Stop it, George/Fred." Then they blinked and came back to the present. At the same time, they said, "Oh, it wasn't you." Jeez, these guys are creeping me out. But not as much as they normally would. Hermione, Ginny, and Ron all returned from their blanking-out stage, one by one. Once they were all conscious of what was going on, I steered them all into the room I was sharing with Ron.

I plopped down on my bed, suddenly feeling very tired. I shook it off and started the conversation. "So..."

Hermione jumped in. "I can't believe he's the grandson of You-Know-Who! It seems too bad to be true..." Ginny looked like she could faint.

"Well, now what?" Fred asked.

"Well, it's obvious. He didn't know anything about You-Know-Who when he came. We should just keep this conversation secret and try to find out as much as possible. I think it would be good to try and make friends with him, so that he feels more comfortable around us. Then I'm sure he will know that he has to stay on the good side."  Hermione explained everything briskly. It seemed like a good idea, except...

"How do we know that he hasn't already joined the bad side? All we know is that he came today and his mother's Sally Jackson. For all we know, he could have killed her and then fled here to join his grandfather." Ron stubbornly refused to think Percy Jackson was good. I agreed with him, though I would never say it out loud. Sorry, Ron, I'd prefer not to die by Hermione.

"Good point. I'm not joining the Dark Side anytime soon, but you guys might want to stay on my good side." We heard a Darth-Vader-like voice, and everyone's heads turned quickly to find Percy Jackson leaning against the doorframe, surveying us with dark amusement. 

"Harry, you know that you're also related to Voldemort, right? Distant, but it's there. You're descended from the Peverells, and he is too. I personally know the guy who made the invisibility cloak." Hermione gaped. 

"That's impossible! You can't know Death!" I could feel my mouth fall open as well.

"Let's just call problems." Percy looked directly at me. I could feel my face start to heat up angrily. 

"What do you know about families?" I exclaimed. Percy just looked at me pointedly. I flushed, but I was just getting started.

Percy's POV:

I could tell that Harry was just getting started. It didn't help that he knew next to nothing about my family. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair as he started ranting. 

"Dude, can you just shut up? I rated a pear for the first time just a few hours ago, I don't need more things making me sick of Princess Potty Sludge."

"Princess what now?"

"Never mind."

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