Welcome to the House of Freaks

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Harry's POV:

When we got our schedules for the week after the Percy Jackson/owl fiasco, Ron and I immediately groaned in sync.

Seventh Year Gryffindor/Slytherin Schedule Week 1

Breakfast: 7:15 am - 8:15 am

1st Period: 8:15 am - 9:35 am: Defense Against the Dark Arts with Prof. Snape

2nd Period: 9:40 am - 11:00 am: Defense Against the Dark Arts with Prof. Snape

3rd Period: 11:05 am - 12:35 pm: Potions with Prof. Slughorn

Lunch: 12:35 pm - 1:35 pm

4th Period: 1:35 pm - 2:55 pm: Transfiguration with Prof. McGonagall

5th Period: 3:00 pm - 4:25 pm: Transfiguration with Prof. McGonagall

6th Period: 4:30 pm - 5:50 pm: Free Period

Dinner: 5:50 pm - 7:00 pm

Lights Out: 10:30 pm

Hey, at least we got a free period, but SERIOUSLY why do we have double DADA and double Transfiguration? And with the Slytherins, this day can only get worse.

Percy's POV:

I sighed in dread. I'm pretty sure that that Draco Malfoy person from yesterday is a Slytherin, so this will be interesting.

Well, let's get going to Defense Against the Dark Arts.


I followed Harry and his friends to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and took a seat, when Professor Severus-Snape-the-grumpy-guy swept out of the shadows, leering at all the Gryffindors. 

"Oh my gods, I'm so scared." I just had to make a sarcastic remark. Professor Snape heard me, though, and spun around, a hateful smirk on his face.

"Well, well, well. Our new student, Perseus Jackson."

"It's just Percy." I corrected him under my breath.

"Jackson!" He snapped.

"Tell me, Jackson, what is the spell used to get rid of a boggart?"

"Riddikulus."  I quoted directly from a list of spells that Hecate and Hades had put in my trunk. Thank the gods I was able to remember that line. Oh, wait, the gods aren't in my brain. Thank my brain I was able to remember that line.

Professor Snape covered up his look of surprise with a sneer. 

"Clever, Jackson. Looks like you have learned your third-year spells already." The Slytherins sniggered.

"Now, class, take out your books and turn to page seventeen. Read from page seventeen to page twenty-five, and take notes as you go. By the end of second period I should see fifteen pages of notes. Go." Scrambling and muttering was heard all over the classroom as everyone got out their textbooks and a lot of parchment, ink and quills. I even heard Ron mutter a "bloody hell, he's crazy." I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable with the mention of Tartarus.


By the end of second period, everyone was grumbling not-so-polite comments about Professor Snape, the Slytherins, and centaurs. My eyes had been squinting at the tiny text for so long in the dark classroom, I could barely look around once I was in the corridor again. By now I was extremely glad Molly had agreed to buy my copies of the textbooks in Greek.

The group of Slytherins and Gryffindors slowly trudged down to the dungeons for Potions, and the only person who looked excited was Hermione. I had heard that last year Harry got a Potions book which helped him a lot, but apparently it had belonged to Professor Snape, and it was gone now.

Entering the Potions classroom, I couldn't help but gaze around in awe at how much Nico would have loved the classroom. The walls were dark, the seats were dark, the lighting was dark, the tables were dark, did I mention that it was dark?

Suddenly I heard Professor Slughorn's voice boom out, and he appeared behind the teacher's desk wearing a ringmaster's outfit.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome to the House of Freaks! Prepare to see some people with some very odd physiques!"

We all stared at him in shock and amusement. Oh, wait, did you actually believe that happened?
Well, it didn't. Just kidding!
Anyways...here's what really happened:

Suddenly I heard Professor Slughorn's voice boom out from the teacher's desk, where the new professor sat, jovially munching on a handful of candied pineapple.

"Welcome, welcome, children! Under the request of my good friend Headmaster Dumbledore, I have come to teach Potions here at Hogwarts for a year. Now, then, does anyone know which potions these are?" At that moment, I realized that a couple of tables near the front had vats of liquid on them, which I assumed were cauldrons of different potions. Hermione's hand shot up instinctively.



"Well, then, Miss Granger, could you tell me what potion this is?" Professor Slughorn gestured to the cauldron nearest his desk.


"Very good, Miss Granger, and what exactly does Amortentia do? Anyone?...."

Hermione's hand shot up again. "Yes, Miss Granger?" Slughorn looked amused.

"Amortentia is a love potion, and when one drinks it he or she will fall in love with whoever gave them the potion. Everyone smells something different, because Amortentia smells of whatever that person loves." 

Come to think of it, that cauldron did smell like the ocean, Annabeth's lemon shampoo, and cookies. Now I'm hungry. Good thing lunch is after this. I spaced out for a good ten minutes thinking about cookies, until Professor Slughorn started assigning partners. 

"-mione Granger and Millicent Bulstrode, Ronald Weasley and Vincent Crabbe, Harry Potter - ah, the Harry Potter, yes, I always favored your mother, Lily Evans, now there was a talented witch, what a shame she wasn't in Slytherin - and Gregory Goyle, Perseus-"

"IT'S JUST PERCY!!" I felt inclined to yell it out. Everyone stared at me. I just grinned and used a hand to sweep my hair out of my face, winking at the gaping girls. Professor Slughorn smiled at the scene.

"Percy Jackson - OH MY GOD IS IT THE PERCY JACKSON AAIIIEEE WOW I'M SO LUCKY YOU'RE SO AMAZING NOT EVEN HARRY POTTER IS AS GOOD AS YOU I CAN'T BELIEVE IT..." I waited for a millennium, embarrassed to the bone, for Professor Slughorn to finish his fangirl attack. Wow, this is now the second time he's stopped before saying my partner's name.

Wait, how does he know me?

"So sorry about that, students. Anyways, next partnership is Percy Jackson and Draco Malfoy." Professor Slughorn beamed at me, before moving on. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Harry and Ron scowling at me, while Hermione had a slightly amused, slightly confused look on her face, and she was staring at me. When I looked at her, her cheeks reddened considerably and she looked away.

I have a feeling that this period will be just as interesting as the first time I met the Weasleys.


Oof. This chapter took soooo long to write, I can't believe I finally managed to publish it.

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