Chapter 20

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Michael’s POV

I rush to the bottom of the stairs, where Star is hidden after I finish off  David.              

Sam, Edgar and Alan begin to celebrate that all the vampires are dead, while Star, Laddie and I exchange glances. 

“What's the matter?” Sam asks, noticing our behavior. 

“I... I don't feel any differently.” Star answers, and Laddie and I nod. 

“That means we still haven’t destroyed their leader.” Edgar says and I groan. 

“So you’re telling me, that we risked our lives to kill them all for nothing? And what about Dylan? She saved both Michael and I’s lives, and we kill her for no reason!” Sam rants. 

“No reason?! She was a vampire Sam. She killed someone and threatened to kill Edgar!” Alan argues and I begin to feel sort or bad. 

“Okay. And we all killed someone tonight too. Do we deserve to be killed?” Sam asks, and Alan fell silent. 

But the silence was soon broken by the sound of my mother entering the house with Max. 

“Oh my god…” She gasped, looking at the mess and wreckage. 

Max looks over at everything and finally his eyes rest on the impaled David. 

“Mom!” Sam yells and rushes over to mom. 

“What happened?  Is everybody all right?!” Mom worries. 

“My boys. It was all going to be so perfect, Lucy.  One big happy family.  My boys... and yours.” David says suddenly, softly stroking the face of David. 

“I knew it!  You are a vampire!” 

 “Vampire? Sam…” Mom sighed.

“But you passed the test!” Sam interrupted. 

“Never invite a vampire into your house, you silly boy. It renders you powerless.” Max smirks and then I remember that time I invited him in.

“What?!” Sam yells, “Edgar, did you know that!?”

“Of course. Everyone knows that.” Edgar says unconvincingly.

“Has everyone gone crazy? What’s the matter with all of you?” Mom asks.

“It's you I was after all along, Lucy.  I knew if we could bring Sam and Michael into the family, there’d be no way you could say no.” Max continues. 

“Where’s Michael?” Mom asks. 

I still stay in my place under the stairs with Star so that mom can’t see me like this.

“It was all going to be so perfect Lucy…Just like one big happy family. Your boys, and my boys.” Max says. 

“Great the bloodsucking Brady Bunch!” Edgar says disgusted.

“I still want you, Lucy... I haven’t changed my mind about that.” Max ignores Edgar and advances towards mom. His eyes are yellow, fangs are out and face now grotesque. 

Suddenly I jump out of my hiding place.

“I didn't invite you in this time, Max!” I growl and charge at Max.

“Michael!” Mom looks at me, afraid of my appearance but I ignore it. 

Max effortlessly throws me up, onto the second floor and I black out. 

Sam’s POV

After Max throws Michael, Star charges at Max with a wooden coat rack, only to be pushed back as well. 

Then Edgar and Alan charge at him but their attempt fails.

“Don’t you touch my mother!” I say angrily and charge at him as well, only for him to grab me and put me into a head lock. 

“SAM!” Mom yells.

Max then uses his free hand to reach out to Mom.

“Don’t fight Lucy. It’s so much better if you don’t fight.”

Mom hesitantly gives him her hand.He pulls her close to him and is about to sink his teeth into her neck, when suddenly we all become distracted by the honking of Grandpa’s pickup truck. 

Grandpa crashes into the house and the long wooden stakes the size of trees come flying off of his truck. Michael comes out of nowhere and pushes Max into the longest wooden stake, which impales him and sends him flying backward into the fireplace. Where he combusts into flames and creates a sort of vortex, drawing into it all that closely surrounds it. Luckily it was just a chair and table. I hold onto mom tightly until finally, it stops. 

“Everybody okay?” Michael asks weakly and mom gets up and hugs him tightly.

“Oh Michael!”

Everyone is able to get to their feet now and Star and Laddie are celebrating. 

“It’s gone. I feel it!” Star exclaims and Michael hugs her.

Meanwhile Grandpa goes straight to the fridge, the blood on the walls and gets a root beer. He pops the lid and takes one long gulp.

“Dad? Are you okay?” Mom asks.

“The one thing about livin' in Santa Carla I never could stomach...All the damn vampires.” He replies. 

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