Chapter 19

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David’s POV

I smirk as I look down from the rafters at Michael down below. He looks completely clueless as he wonders where I can. 

“AHH!” I yell, scaring him as I fly down quickly and scratch his face. 

He groans and holds his face, as I laugh and fly back up. 

“You afraid to face me David?” Michael asks, trying to be tough and I hold back my laughter. 

“HUH?!” He yells, when he doesn’t get an answer. 

“I tried to make you immortal.” I explain. 

I still don’t get why he’s so upset. Sleep all day, party all night, never grow old, and never die. It’s fun being a vampire. 

“YOU TRIED TO MAKE ME A KILLER!” He bellows, which I don’t understand why. If he whispered, I’d still be able to hear it with my vampire hearing. 

I then fly down and knock him off his feet as I scratch him once again. I fly back up, in clear sight and laugh at how pathetic this guy is. 

Why did we want him in our gang anyway?

When he get’s back to his feet, I notice that his eyes are yellow and his fangs are out. 

“You are a killer.” I tell laugh coldly. 

He then flies up to me and pushes me back into the wall behind me. I notice that just an inch beside me is a rack of deer, with sharp antlers. 

“My turn.” I say as I push him across the room, trying to push him into the other deer antlers, but Michael held on to the door frame. 

“Stop fighting me Michael. I don’t want to kill you. Join us.” I tell him. 

“Never he growls.”

“It’s too late. My blood is in your veins.” I say beginning to push him again.

“SO IS MINE!” He yells, letting go of the doorframe and pushing me back into the antelope head behind me and the horns pierce through my chest as I howl out in pain. 

Cry Little SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora