Chapter 5

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I swear these guys were making me laugh so hard that it hurt. I was clutching my abdomen as Marko and Paul were goofing around. I was having such a good time that I forgot how late it was. 

"Guys I think it's time for me to go. Maria gets off in fifteen minutes." I say getting up from the couch and stretching. 

"But the night's still young." Marko mumbled, not wanting me to leave. 

"Yeah, you just got here." Paul continued.

"I guess I could stay a little while longer... as long as I get a ride back to the boardwalk to get my bike." I shrug, before taking a seat in Marko's lap.

"Oh, I'll take you for a ride." Marko said very seductively in my ear, low to where only I could hear.

I turned around and cocked a brow, jokingly. He on the other hand tried to look innocent, causing me to laugh.

"Anyway... let's go back to the boardwalk and look for some babes." Paul said, ruining the moment.

"What about Maria? I swear to god if you lead her on and break her heart, I will fucking castrate you." I threatened him. 

No one messes around with my sister. She's by far the sweetest person I know. 

"Woah, calm down girl. I'm not going to lead her on. I'm not into commited relationships." He shrugged and I rolled my eyes. 

"Now that that's settled, let's go." David said, getting up from his seat and the rest of us did the same, leaving the cave one by one. 

I got on Marko's bike and wrapped my arms around his waist. For some strange reason, I could feel myself getting more and more turned on by him. I understand that as a young adult, your hormones are constantly changing, but this was just weird. I wanted him so badly. 

"You okay?" Marko asked me with a smirk, not helping my case at all. At this point the guys had already started their bikes and were well ahead of us and I had hopped off of his bike. 

I pulled Marko to me, kissing him hungrily and he didn't object. A strange growl came from my throat as I pulled him closer to me. He briefly pulled away just to get off of his bike as well and I pushed him into the sand before climbing onto his lap and straddling him. He looked briefly surprised but it quickly turned into a smirk. I no longer even tried to control my actions and solely went on impulse. I slid his jacket off of him and kissed from his neck, back to his lips, making sure that I grind into him. He growled,and roughly rolling us over to where he was on top. He began to hungrily kiss my neck and bit down causing me to moan loudly. As he sucked my neck harder, I hissed in pain and he pulled back quickly. There was a bit of blood in the corner of his mouth, that I realized was from my neck and I became grossed out at the sight. My hand went up to my neck and when I removed it, I saw a bit of blood go onto my hand. I quickly ran to the end of the cliff to release my guts. 

Blood was the one thing that I absolutely couldn't handle. I continued to vomit and Marko came up beside me, rubbing my back. 

"Are you okay?" He asked me worriedly, but I couldn't look at him, afraid that he'd still have blood on his mouth.

What kind of freak bites someone until they bleed and then sucks their blood? 

"I just really hate blood." I sighed and sat away from the cliff, trying to calm down. I then looked over at him and his face was clean and immediately all of my disgust with him was gone, when I saw his innocent look was back. 

He looked at me worriedly and helped me up.

"Let's meet up with the others. They're probably there by now." Marko said going back to his bike and then helping me get on. 

 I stayed silent the entire ride, wondering what came over me and why Marko was sucking my blood. I hopped off the bike the second Marko stopped and bent over to the railing at the boardwalk to throw up again. This time Marko kept his distance and I was glad.

"Marko, I think I'm just going to ride home. I'm not feeling too hot." I said weakly and he nodded, looking disappointed. 

"Let me take you to your bike." he offered.

"No, it's fine." I say quickly and turn on my heel, headed to the comic store where I left my bike.

"I was wondering when you were going to come get your bike." Alan said, with a sweet smile. 

I knew he had a crush on me, but he is much too young for my taste. 

"Oh yeah, I was pre-occupied." I said deep in thought, watching Marko meet up with the other guys and Paul looked over at me, confused. 

"Oh, okay. I meant to give you this earlier, but here." Alan said, handing me a comic that said "Vampire's Everywhere" on the cover.

"Thanks, but I'm not into anything blood or vampire related." I said, feeling queasy looking at the blood on the cover.

"Do you guys hand this to all of your customers?" A blonde kid said coming out of nowhere. 

He looked about fifteen and was wearing an ugly floral shirt. I immediately recognized him as the kid that was with that guy who was staring at Star last night. 

"They tried to give me one as well. They say that vampires are real and live in Santa Carla." The kid continued. 

"That's because they are Sam." Edgar argued. 

"Cool... I guess? Look, I gotta go. I'm not really feeling well and I really just want to get home and sleep in my bed." I unlocked my bike.

"Okay.  Why don't you take the day off tomorrow and get better?" Alan asked sympathetically.

"Thanks Alan. You're the best, you know that?" 

He blushed and Edgar rolled his eyes.

"What, are you going to give her all the money in the cash register too?" Edgar grumbled, glaring at me.

"Shut up, Edgar. Dylan, get home safely okay?" Alan glared at his brother and then turned back to me with a smile. 

"Okay. Thanks again." I smiled and hopped onto my bike

When I finally got home, I took a hot shower and tenderly touched my neck but was surprised that there were no cuts on my neck. Shrugging it off, I went straight into my room and curled up in my bed. I shivered suddenly from a cold chill and sat up and saw that my window was wide open and heard the roar of numerous motorcycles and the guys voices hollering.

How do they know where I live?

Becoming scared, I got up to close the window and saw that there wasn't anyone there. Instead I saw my sister pulling up in her car. Weirded out, I took refuge in my bed under all of the covers. 

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