Chapter 3

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"Well here we are."Marko said, helping me off his bike. 

We were right by the ocean at a set of stairs and fence that had a bunch of signs warning us not to enter. Smirking, Marko takes my hand and leads me down the stairs. We then descend into the cave. To say that the place was cool was an understatement. It was fucking awesome. There was victorian furniture,  a fountain and posters of Jim Morrison everywhere.

"Impressive, huh?" David asks, looking smug because of my awed expression. 

"Yeah..." I continued to look around and tuned David out as he explained the creation of the cage.

"Hey girl! Bout time you came to visit." Paul loudly said, breaking me from my thoughts. 

 "What?" I cocked a brow.

Were they expecting me? 

"I knew you couldn't resist me." He teased and I rolled my eyes.

"Yep Paul, you caught me." I retorted sarcastically and took a seat on the couch between Marko and Dwayne. 

Marko was currently feeding, what I'm assuming is, his pet pigeon so I inched closer to Dwayne causing him to look up from his book and cock a brow.

"I'm not too fond of birds..." I explained and he laughed.

"What's so funny?" I demanded.

"You're afraid of birds?"

"Not afraid. I've just had bad experiences with them." 

"What? Did you get shat on or something?" David teased.

"More like attacked by seagulls." I said looking down, which caused them to laugh even harder.

Desperate for a subject change, I looked around the cave and noticed two people just waking up in a bed in the corner. 

"Star? Laddie?" I asked and simultaneously, they looked up and Laddie ran over to me and sat in my lap.

"What's up kiddo?" I asked ruffling his hair.

"Dylan, what are you doing here?" Star asked, looking like she was scared of something but her expression quickly changed after she looked at David.

"Now Star, is that any way to treat our guest?" David asked, something was hidden behind his eyes.

"Sorry. I mean it's just a surprise that you're here is all." 

"Yeah, I didn't really plan on coming. Marko just invited me so I thought why not? Beats hanging out with Maria at Max's." I  shrugged.

"Is there a sister rivalry thing going on?" Paul asked, interestedly. Probably hoping to have two girls fight over him.

"No, I love her to death."

"So family means a lot to you?" David asked and everyone in the room looked at me.

"Well of course. I mean at the end of the day they're the only ones who will always have your back right?" I answered and the guys nodded while the David seemed deep in thought.

"Hey Marko, why don't you get Dylan something to drink?" He asked after a long period of silence.

Marko immediately got up and disappeared, only to reappear with an ornate glass bottle.

David took the first sip right from the bottle and passed it on to me. Star looked at me with a pleading look but I ignored it and took a small sip of the wine. After deciding that I liked the bitter taste, I took two huge swigs and the boys cheered.

"Thatta girl!" Paul cheered and patted my thigh.

"You're one of us." Marko said, flashing his charming smile before kissing me on the lips.

I don't know if it was the kiss or the alcohol, but I was feeling dizzy as hell. At the same time I felt slightly powerful. When Marko pulled away, I noticed that the feeling was still there. It was probably the wine making me feel this way. But the one thing I was most curious about was, what did he mean by you're one of us?

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