Chapter 2

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As we get home, I go straight to the shower to wash up before bed. I then, walk into my bedroom and see my sister sitting on my bed with a smirk. 

"What?" I mumbled. 

"OH MARKO I KNOW WE JUST MET BUT I LOVE YOU!!" She said trying to mock me and kisses the air with a lot of tongue. 

"I don' t even sound like that." I roll my eyes. 

"Oh yes you do. Mind telling me what that was all about?" She crossed her arms, going into protective sister mode. 

"After you explain. OH PAUL, I WANT YOU! LET'S FUCK!" I mocked her, pelvic thrusting and she blushed at my colorful language and movements. 

"There's nothing going on between us. I was just as surprised as you were when he kissed me." She admitted,blushing. 

Her being lighter than me, her blushing was much more obvious. I was sort of jealous but I made sure not to show it.

"Well Marko's pretty cute and a surprisingly good kisser. Besides, I need a little fun this summer." I shrugged, plopping on the bed beside her.

"Just be careful okay. Those guys are bad news." Maria said, before kissing my forehead and leaving the room. 


I woke up relatively late since, or I'm assuming it was late since the sun was already up. Looking at my clock, I saw that it was already 10 and groaned. I dragged myself out of bed and trudged to the kitchen.

"Good morning sunshine." My sister greeted and I growled at her.

I then made me a bowl of cereal and ate it slowly.

"Still not a morning person I see." Maria laughs and returns her attention back to MTV.

"What gave you that idea?" I sighed.

I didn't get any sleep last night because I couldn't stop thinking about Paul and Marko. I really hope that I could see them tonight. I was so excited to see them, I was even considering going back to sleep just to make time go faster. Right before I was about to open the door to my room Maria cleared her throat.

"You better not being going back to bed. You need to be looking for a job, remember?" She asked and I groaned.

"Well can I borrow your car?"

"Actually I have to work a double shift today, so I can drive you to the boardwalk. Maybe you could work for one of the stores there." Maria explained.

"Okay, let me get dressed." 

I got dressed in a black bikini but covered it with a Beastie Boys "No Sleep Till Brooklyn"  cropped t-shirt, short shorts and a flannel tied around my waist. 

"Do you own any full shirts?" Maria asked me.

"No." I said seriously.

"Are you wearing that for Marko?"

"Pshh, I don't need to dress up for him."  I said cockily, meeting my sister at the door to leave. 


After being denied seven jobs and spending a few hours at the beach, I finally found a store that was hiring. I groaned as I saw that it was a comic book store.  I walked in to the front counter and saw an old hippie couple that looked completely stoned.

"Um excuse me." I asked.

There was no reply and the two vegetables just stared.

What the fuck are they on? 

"Hellooo." I waved my hand in his face but they still didn't notice.

"What do you want." A cold, gruff voice behind me said and my expression hardened. 

I absolutely hated when people thought they could talk to me like that. 

"And who the hell do you think you are?" I asked leaning back on the counter and crossing my arms, staring at the young teen that was looking at me coldly . 

"Edgar and this is Alan,"he pointed to the guy beside him, "We're the owners of this shop."

"Sure and I'm the queen of England. No seriously, what's with these two?" I ask.

"Oh mom and dad are always like that. Anyway, is there any reason you're here? You don't really look like the comic book type." Alan asked me and Edgar looked surprised that Alan was being nice.

"I'm actually looking for a job. I just moved to Santa Carla two days ago." I said slightly flirting to raise my chances of getting hired. 

"We don' t need--" Edgar began. 

"You're hired! We needed someone to take the day shift anyway. I can finally catch up on sleep." Alan said with a slight smile.

"Thanks Alan." I said and gave a smile so charming, it was almost identical to Marko's. 

"N-no problem. Can you start Monday at three?" He asked, as Edgar walked away grumbling.

"Yeah, sounds perfect. See you then." I said leaving the store. 

It was now sunset and I was growing excited, knowing that I'll see the guys soon. I went back onto the boardwalk and walked over to the railing, just watching the sun set. All too soon it ended and I shivered at the loss of warmth. 

"Here." I heard someone say huskily in my ear and I immediately knew that it was Marko.

He looked at me with a smirk and handed me his jacket. 


"No problem."He said, smirk still in place as he wrapped his arms around my waist and gently pulled me to him. 

I leaned up and kissed him, making sure to bite his lip as I pulled back. 

"Did you just bite me?" He asked genuinely amused. 


"That's pretty hot, I'm not gonna lie." He smirked, pulling away but leaving an arm around my waist. 

We walked around learning much more about each other when I finally noticed that the guys were nowhere to be seen.

"Where's the rest of the guys?" I asked.

Or really, where's Paul? Actually why do I even care?

"Back at the cave." Marko said casually, like it was normal to hang out in a cave. 


"Yeah. Wanna go see them?" He asked,  smiling at my curiosity.

"Um, yeah!" I said in a 'are you kidding, of course I do' tone.

"Then let me get my bike, and we'll go."

Cry Little SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora