Chapter 14

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I walk back into the apartment, trudging down the hall. The sun was making me exhausted. I was so glad however that Michael gave me a ride here because there was no way I'd be able to pedal on my bike. 

"Dylan?" Maria asks and smiles when I come into the room.

"Hey, Mari. I'm sorry I didn't come home, I wanted to but Lucy—"

"It's fine, she called me. I wouldn't want you out that late either. But anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out around town today? Do a little shopping." She asks excitedly.

I frowned slightly when I remembered that would require me going back into the sun. 

"Or... we can have a John Hughes movie marathon instead, eat junk food and talk?" I suggested and she shrugged. 

"Fine with me."

Michael's POV

I hop off my Honda bike as I approach the house and roll my eyes when I see my mom on the porch. Knowing her, she's probably going to want to sit down and talk, but I'm way too tired. 

"Hi." Mom says, as I get closer. 

Not wanting to talk, I nod and keep walking.

"What's the matter, Michael? Aren't we friends anymore?" She whines and I sigh, clearly annoyed.

Can't she get that I don't want to talk?

"Sure." I mumble, leaning on the railing of the porch as I feel weaker. 

"Does that mean we are, or we aren't?"

"We are..." I tell her shortly, wanting to get this conversation over with. 

"Then let's act like friends. Let's talk.  I know this is a new place, and —" She begins and I roll my eyes and tap my foot, as though to tell her to speed it up. 

"-- If there's a girl, we could talk about her. Is it Dylan?" She asks.

"I'm tired now." I try to move away. 

"Wait a minute, kiddo." She stops me and points at my earring. 

"We haven't even gotten around to this yet!" She exclaims but I just ignore her and go into the house. 

"Looks like I wasn't the only one got lucky last night." Grandpa teases me. 

I look at him, and he too is wearing sunglasses indoors. I then look over at Sam and see him reading a comic that shows a very bloody drawing of a vampire being staked through the heart. Feeling ill, I get up from the table and head upstairs, and straight to my bed. 

When I wake up, the sun is setting. Not wanting to deal with my family tonight, and wanting to see Star, I get dressed to go to the boardwalk. I started getting aggravated as I noticed how dorky all my clothes were and finally decided on dark jeans, black t-shirt and raybans.  I then make my way downstairs and inwardly groan when I see my mom in the kitchen. 

"Max is coming for dinner, Michael. I'd like you to meet him." 

"Can't. Got plans of my own." I say shortly. 

"There's only three weeks left of summer, Michael.  Things are going to change around here when school starts." Mom lectures. 

Tell me about it.

"Gotta go, Mom." I quickly leave the room and go to the front door.

Right as I open the door, some old guy with horn rimmed glasses glasses is there smiling at me.

"Hey.  How ya doin'?  Michael, right?" He asks a little too cheery.

No wonder mom likes him so much. 

"And you must be Max." I eye him down. 

There's an awkward silence while I continue to stare him down. 

"Well you're the man of the house. I'm not coming in unless you invite me."

"Okay... you're invited?" I say confused

Leave it to mom to find a loon.

I leave on my bike and head to the boardwalk, hoping that I'd run into Star or Dylan. To be honest, I didn't like Dylan at first but she's grown on me. Of course I don't like her like I do star but she seems like she'd make a good friend. 

I finally make it to the boardwalk and see the guys and Dylan but no Star or Laddie.

"Where's Star?" I ask Dylan. 

Dylan's POV

"Where's Star?" Michael asks me worriedly and I shrug, I was wondering the same thing.

"If you ever want to see Star again, then you better come with us." David said, answering for me. 

I get onto Paul's bike and ruffle his messy hair. 

"Where are we going man?" I ask him.

"You'll see!" He sang innocently... or innocently for Paul. 

We get to an area of the beach I've never been to before, filled with trees and in the distance there's a bonfire filled with surf nazi's. I climb up after the guys, still confused on what we were going to do. 

"What is this, David?" Michael asks. 

"Damn, you ask more questions than Dylan." Paul says and I fake gasp.  

"You do know my name." I tease and he rolls his eyes. 

"Anyway... Michael, Dylan, you guys are one of us now— aren't you." David asks.

Shit don't tell me they're going to do what I think they're going to do. 

"Michael you'll never see Star again if you're not." He says to Michael, who's still on the ground. 

Finally he climbs up and looks at me questioningly and I just shrug and look off to the bonfire. The surfers were drinking beer, smoking weed and laughing with their girls. 

"Initiations over you two, time to join the club!" David says, his voice becoming deeper at the end as his face morphs and he looks like a mix between a man and a bat, with yellow eyes. 

Whoever thought vampires are sexy, are sadly mistaken. 

I look at the rest of the boys and they've all morphed and Paul was making faces at me, trying to scare me and Michael. Funny thing is that it only worked on Michael. Soon the boys swoop from the tree and attack the people at the bonfire. I had never seen so much blood in my life, and I could feel myself salivating. Before I know it, I'm in mid air, half way to the boys.

"DYLAN! NO! DON'T DO IT!" Michael yells, but I'm so consumed by thirst, that it goes through one ear and out the other and before you know it, I'm beside Marko, biting into the jugular of one of the surfers. 

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