Chapter 6

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I woke up late once again, feeling even worse than yesterday. It took so much effort to even lift my arm up and my head was killing me, but nonetheless I got up from bed and trudged to the shower. I hissed in pain as the water burned my skin and turned the water down. Even with the water cold, it still burned. Giving up, I went to the sink and wet a rag, washing myself with that and then brushed my teeth. When I looked up in the mirror, I was shocked to see that I was able to see right through myself. I was transparent. I lifted my hand and saw that I my nails have gotten much longer. When I gasped, I noticed that my breath had still stunk, despite the fact that I scrubbed my teeth. I went back into my room and crawled back into my bed hoping that this was all a bad dream.

After not being to go back to sleep, I began to read the comic that Alan got me. I froze when I read the part that said:

Some of the most noticable symptoms of vampirism include but aren't limited to: Salt sticking to the bottoms of their feet, not being able to touch holy or running water without their skin burning, having foul breath, long nails, and sensitive to sunshine. Half vampires tend to have the same symptoms, however unlike full vampires, they can survive sunshine. But their bodies tend to get weaker and weaker until they feed, which would cause them to become full vampires. If they don't feed, they will eventually die. The only way to reverse half vampirism (which is caused by drinking the blood of a vampire) is to kill the vampire that they have drank from.

I began to panic as I noticed that I had all of these symptoms.... Which must mean that the wine I drank with the guys the other night wasn't wine, but blood. I drank blood... I ran into the bathroom and threw up.

"Dylan, are you okay?" I heard Maria call from the other side of the door. 

"Y-yes. I'm just not feeling great. But nothing bed rest couldn't fix." I said, getting back up and flushing the toilet before leaving the bathroom.

"All yours." I gave her a fake smile and went to my room, closing and locking the door. I was trying my absolute hardest not to freak out but didn't know what to do.

I crawled back into my bed and fell asleep within seconds. I felt something pressed against my cheek. I wake up and my room is completely dark, cuing that it was now night time. But that wasn't what surprised me, it was the fact that I had woken up on the ceiling! I tried to push off but ended up getting closer and closer to my open window. As much as I struggled to stay in my room, I still ended up out the window. I wasn't in control of my body and began to grab at trees, but couldn't reach. I took in my surroundings, and soon saw that I was headed to the guy's cave. 

A hand grabbed my wrist, and I looked down to see that it was Paul. Without hesitation, I hugged him tightly, afraid that I would fly off again.

"Relax girl, you won't fly off again." Paul chuckled and I let go of him, rollling my eyes. 

"What the hell was that?! I didn't know vampires could really fly! Or that they even existed!" 

"Good, so you know what we are." David's voice said.

I turned around to see a worried Star and Laddie, amused David and Dwayne and an upset Marko.

"Yeah I know what I am. But why the hell did you guys do this to me without my permission? Did you actually think that I wanted to be a vampire?"  I said coldly. 

To say that I was pissed is an understament. I couldn't believe that I was tricked by these guys. 

"We want you to be one of us. You fit in, you're meant to be Marko's."David explained calmly, which only pissed me off more.

"So what if I get along with you. That doesn't mean that you have the right to alter my life forever. And me belonging to Marko? I don't belong to anyone. I don't do relationships, never did and never will." I seethed, glaring at David.

David's nostrils flared and his hand went to my neck, squeezing so hard that I couldn't breathe. 

"Let's get this straight, right now. You will not talk to me like that, nor will you treat Marko or your brothers that way. You are one of us now whether you like it or not. If you don't like it, I won't hesitate to kill you. Are we clear?" He asked threatningly. 

When I realized he wasn't going to let go until I answered, I swallowed my pride and nodded. He finally let go of me and I fell into the sand, gasphing for air. 

"Now, for the reason that I summoned you," David continued with a complete change of tone,"We will have another joining our little group tonight and I want you to meet your newest brother."

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