Prologue [Edited]

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If you're a rr- I have changed the story and added a bit more detail/ made it longer than it was when it was first published. 


     This story contains talk about sexual things as well as male pregnancies. This is the only warning. It contains strong language and fights between the main characters.

if you do not like such things such as this- please feel free to leave. We don't like negative energy here. 

Continue at your own risk


Harry stirs the soup that is boiling at high, he turns the knob so it'll be at a simmer instead. He wants to talk to Louis about something really important. Something that he knows will make her break him. He decided he should make Louis' favorite dish for supper, so the conversation is easier.

Though a conversation like this will never be easy.

He has baby fever, and he really wants a baby. He thinks he's old, he's only 21. Louis is 23. It's not very old, it's actually very young for such a responsibility- but you can't change how someone thinks. They've been married since 2013, and Harry thinks now is the right time to have a baby. 

They are in the right place right now. They have enough money and they both have jobs. They have a big enough home and Harry really wants it. He desires it so much so- he'll give up everything for his own children.  The only thing he wants is a baby right now. He's always wanted a baby since he found out he was a carrier. Louis wasn't a carrier,  and Harry was. 

A perfect duo right? 

The only problem is that Harry doesn't know if Louis wants a family as he does.

Louis gets out his key and puts it in the lock. He turns it and walks in, pushing the door aside. "Honey I'm home!" Louis shouts causing Harry to jump. Harry turns and smiles at Louis. Louis smiles back and walks over. He pecks Harry's cheek. "What's this?" Louis asks glancing at Harry's food.

Louis has always enjoyed Harry cooking, he does cook, but he isn't the best at it. They learned that the hard way.

"Oh, I just wanted to do something nice," Harry says setting the bowl of soup in Louis' place. Louis goes and washes his hands before sitting down. Harry sits down nervously and he looks at Louis.

"Louis?" Harry asks fidgeting and bouncing his leg up and down. "Yes?" Louis responds looking up. "So you know my sister just had a baby," Harry trails. Louis nods. "well, I want a baby," he blurts out. 

Louis looks up at Harry. "What?" Louis asks. "I want a baby, Lou. Really bad," Harry says. "I don't," Louis mutters. Harry stops eating and places his spoon down. "why not? Louis we've been married for two years and known each other for longer, I don't understand what's the problem!" Harry raises his voice. 

When it comes to Harry's temper, it's naturally very hard to get him upset. That is unless you mention anything having to do with kids. More specifically not wanting them. 

"I just don't! I don't want a baby! They're a hassle and cry forever! You need to respect that! I don't want a baby with you!" Louis yells, emphasizing 'you'. Harry stops and stares. 

"Louis-" Harry gets cut off. "Will you just shut up!? I don't want a baby! At all, never! I don't care if you want one! You don't get one unless you cheat on me! I don't want one! With you! Shut up about it!" Louis yells at Harry. Harry flinches. Louis' vein sticks out and his fist clenches.

"Why do you keep saying with me?! Would you rather have a baby with Niall or Liam?! I want a baby, I would have listened and respected you if you wouldn't have yelled at me! Is there something wrong with me?! You keep saying 'with you'! I know you're stressed and stuff but just don't be an asshole! All I want is a baby, that's all I've ever asked for!" Harry yells, voice cracking at the end, before standing up and storming off. 

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