Chapter 7- the fight

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"To make this a bit more fair, interesting, and fun, lets make this a game of man hunt."

Said the man I used to call my dad.
"As you can see, there are very large boxes in here, so it's like a maze."

I gave him a look like he was crazy.
Another man stepped forward and took off his mask.

I gasped at how horrible his face looked, think of Madeye Moody, except without that crazy eye and a chunk of nose missing.

His face had a big scar from the left corner of his face to the bottom right corner if his chin. his eyes a bright haunting gray, and his raven hair was buzzed off.

"Yeah I know, how gorgeous am i? What the boss is trying to say is that, we may be evil, but that doesn't mean we don't like to have... fun... sometimes..."

He looked me up and down practically raping me with his eyes.

Jack must have noticed this, he stepped in front of me and unsheathed his danger, "you stay away from her..." He said through gritted teeth.

He gave an ugly smirk and stepped back into the group.
"Thank you Robin, that is my second hand man. one of the best!"

"So here are the rules...
1) if you get hit, your out
2) you cannot leave the building, and if you do, well we know where you live.
3) cannot harm an unarmed man, or woman..
And my favorite rule of all time!
4) the more blood the better..."

He said that last one with an evil smirk.
"Fine." I spat out.
"Wait! I have one, no killing..."

Ex-dad thought about that for a minute. "hmm..."
I decided to do something I never thought I'd do again.

"Pwease daddy?" I said putting on my famous puppy dog face with a small quivering lip.

"Oh come on! You know I can't say no to that! Alright alright fine! No killing..."

"And since we play fair, Jack I'll even give you a gun. you know how to use one right?"

Jack nodded his head "yeah after he left I had to learn how to use one, since I was now the man of the house!"

His dad looked down in shame, deciding that his shoes were now so interesting.

"Alright let's do this started already!"
I huffed out getting a little exasperated with all this yapping.

"My princess is right, let's start."
I pulled an arrow out of my quiver and locked it on the beautiful bow string.

"Dont. call. me. that. i. aint. no. princess. pops."

"Ouch your burning me darlin!"
Ex-dad said in fake pain putting a hand over his heart.

"This arrow will burn more than that daddy."
I replied pulling back the arrow.
He shook his finger back and forth "eh eh eh! No killing!" He said in a sing-song voice.

"Grrrr. give jack his gun, ONE THAT ACTUALLY WORKS! And give us a minute head start."

Ex-dad nodded his head to his men, a guy took out his gun from its holster and tossed it to jack.

"Wait one last thing! If we win, we get to leave UNHARMED and you never rob a street again."

"And if we win? You die..."

"Alright ready, set, run!"
Me and jack sprinted off getting lost in the box maze.

After what felt like forever, we stopped running and hid ourselves behind some boxes.

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