Chapter 6

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Sadie's pov:

I opened my eyes all I saw was darkness. I was still a little groggy and my head was pounding. I quizzed myself on some personal things.

Thank goodness. I didn't have a concussion.

I tried to move my arms but I found I couldn't. I looked up and saw they had been locked in chains attached to the wall. I tried to call for help but found I couldn't, I had been gagged.

Wonderful Sadie, just wonderful! Oh am I gonna kill them! Unless they kill me first. crap I'm as good as dead.

I started to tug at the chains. no use.
I got up on my knees and pulled as hard as I could. damn I wish jack were here.

Jack! oh my gosh! Mom! Grace!

They must be worried out of their minds! Oh I am so grounded!

I sat back on my knees wondering how the hell I'm getting out of here.

I scanned the room once more, squinting my eyes in the darkness. All I could see was the floor and some lights hanging from the ceiling.

I heard footsteps coming from who- knows- where. I sat back up on my knees, I put on my best scowl.

The lights flicked on and finally i saw everything. I was in a ware house, with boxes lining the outline of the room.

"It's about time you woke up! I was wondering if we drugged you to much!"

Said a voice from the shadows. the voice stepped into the light finally showing himself.

"You started to wake up so we drugged you." I widened my eyes. Oh how wonderful.

"Ok let's get some info from you." he said walking toward me. he ripped the cloth out of my mouth.

I shot him the best scowl I could. "stop scowling dearie, you'll mark up that pretty face of yours."

He said holding my chin in his hand. I jerked my head away from him and dropped the scowl but still kept my mouth in a single line.

"So how did you figure our schedule out? was it you? was it your mother? sister? other family? or was it that cute friend of yours?"

"Obviously it was me stupid! other wise you would have taken someone else!"

He kneeled down to my height on the floor.
"It's not healthy to call your Father stupid Sadie."

My eyes widened at the truth...

my father was the leader of the Whitney Robbers...


Jack's Pov:

After my mom told me that Sadie had been captured, I grabbed my weapons, and ran over to her house to pick up her archery equipment.

I set out immediately to find my sadie.


I honestly had no idea where to go but I found tire tracks, and I followed them all the way to an abandoned BJS warehouse.

Strange place to hide.

I dropped my bike off in the bushes, grabbed the weapons and ran over to a door. It had a huge lock on it.

I dug in my pocket to try something I learned from a book I read, I pulled out one of my moms hair pins and started to pick the lock. after maybe ten minutes, I finally heard a click.

"Don't worry Sadie, I'm coming for you." I breathed under my breath. I took the lock off gently placing it on the ground, making no noise as I opened the door.

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