Chapter one

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The first night here wasn't so bad, mom said in the morning we would have a big breakfast, unpack a little and then go and introduce ourselves to our new neighbors.

Me and Grace started to talk about if there would be anyone our age. When we stopped at our first house, the Peterson's; they were very nice, but they had no children.

The other houses we visited were the same. When Grace and I started to loose hope of having friends of our own on the street, we visited the final house.

I started to hope and pray for at least someone for Grace. When we reached the house we noticed two bikes in the garage.

We both looked at each other excitedly sharing that sisterly look we give to each other.

When we reached the door we knocked, and 10 seconds later we saw a nice looking woman open the door and called for her kids, they ran down very quickly so they can introduce themselves to us.

The first to introduce themselves was Ms. Ellis, then the oldest looking boy said "Hi, I'm Jack and I'm 18years old. And this is my little bro, Ryan and he's 12."

In my head the first thought was "wow Jack's kinda cute" my second thought was "yay! Someone my age to hang out with!" kinda childish I know but I didn't mind.

I decided to say something so I said
" Hi Jack and Ryan I'm Sadie and I'm 18 too and this is my Little sister, Grace and shes 12." Ms. Ellis invited us for dinner that night, I was really excited.

A small mother to mother conversation started. Ms. Ellis told Jack and Ryan to get to know us a little, while the grown ups talked and got to know each other.

So mom and Ms. Ellis went inside to talk privately. Jack and I sat down on the steps, while Grace and Ryan went back to our place to play a game.

"So" said Jack "What do you like to do Sadie?" no one really ever asked me that so I wasn't sure what to answer so I told him the first thing that popped in my head "I like to read, and watch movies, and strange enough I like archery a lot."

I bit down on my lip scolding myself mentally for the stupid answer.

I was honestly shocked I didn't know what to say so I said the first thing that popped into my head.

"Have you heard about the Whitney Robbers? I was expecting him to look at me like I had 3 heads but instead Jack answered me with a question.

" I have heard of them, I've been tracking them for weeks now, and the way there patterns goes; next week their target is our street, and I plan on finding them and making them pay.

"You know, you are someone I would like to work with, so will you help me find these creeps and take them down?"

I was in absolute shock, I didn't know how to answer! But then I thought in my head,

"I would really like some adventure this summer, but it seems dangerous. Well dangerous sounds like me, so I'm gonna do it!"

I faced Jack and stared at him in the eye and said "You know what, I'll do it! I'll help you find these people and teach them a lesson! You have yourself a teammate!"

I slapped his hand and we started to laugh "so it's settled we get to work tomorrow"

The mystery on the Whitney StreetsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu