Chapter 9

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Third person POV:

The couple lay on the floor struggling to breathe.

The girl whispered to the boy "stay with me..." but blacked out before she heard his reply

"Always. And you do the same."

The FBI were running around like lunatics. Trying to keep the men in order while others pulled the paramedics inside.

The paramedics ran to the couple with stretchers right behind them.

They carefully lifted the couples bodies onto the stretchers and ran them to the ambulances.

They were taken to a hospital and pushed into the operation room, nurses and doctors filled the room shouting at each other to hurry.

they rushed the couple to the Emergency Room and began to work on their bodies.

staff members had taken the couples phones and began calling their parents or in their case their Mothers and siblings to get down to the hospital immediately to see their son or daughter.

the mothers and siblings were there In a record breaking 10 minutes, it was late at night so the mothers had messy hair and girls mom had curlers in her hair.

the kids looked asleep standing up, the girl was in a pink bathrobe and the boy was in pants and a t-shirt.

the doctors began to tell them what happened and when they heard, both mothers broke down crying.

they hugged each other and their children who of course were too young to understand what was happening, all they knew was something was terribly wrong.

after what seemed like hours of waiting and wailing, the two E.R. doctors came out and gave the report, but each one looking grim.

they told the mothers that the teens will be ok except the girl died in the process, but told the mother not to worry because they brought her back and she's now in a coma.

the boy on the other hand was resting and they wouldn't allow visitors until 3:00 tomorrow evening to give the boy some rest.

The girls mother wept and wept along with the little sister. they asked to see their children and the doctor brought them to the room.

when the mothers arrived outside the room, they tried to control themselves by taking big breaths.

they walked in together and stood by their child's bed and wept either holding their hand or stroking their hair.

the doctors came in and told them kindly that they should go home and get some rest and they could come back to visit tomorrow at 3:00.

so they went home and each one cried themselves to sleep.


I woke up dazed and confused, I had no idea where I was. I heard a faint whisper and peeped my eyes open to see my mother standing over me stroking my hair.

by the looks of her eyes you could tell that she had been crying, but what about?

then the memories of the day before came crashing in like Tsunami.

"M-Mom?" I croaked, my throat was dry and I was beyond parched. I saw my moms eyes fill with tears, but these were tears of joy.

"are you mad" I asked, she shook her head quickly. "no darling, i'm not mad i'm just happy your ok."

just then a thought struck me. "Mom where's Sadie?" she didn't answer at first and I knew why, I turned my head and saw in the bed next to me was Sadie's still body.

"no... no no no! Sadie!" I ripped the covers off of me and rushed to her side feeling lightheaded, but at that moment I didn't care. All I cared about at the moment was Sadie.

"she's not... dead is she?" I whispered to mom. "thankfully no" she answered rushing to my side to help me up off the ground where I sat on my knees. "but she did die during the surgery, but they were able to bring her back so now she's in a coma."

Mom lifted me by the elbows and helped me back in my own bed. "at least there's still hope for her." I nodded my head trying to push back the tears of pain that I got whenever I looked at her beautiful, deathly pale face.

"sweetheart, I know you care about her, but should she not make it..." I looked at her like she has gone mad "NO I REFUSE TO THINK THAT! she WILL make it she WILL come back to us! to me..."

I let the tears fall, my mom was right... I needed to think of the possibilities even if I didn't want to admit it to myself.

There is a 50-50% chance that she wont be coming back...

YEP... So how's everyone at this point? Hate me yet?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2016 ⏰

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