Chapter 5

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Jack's view:

When I woke up I was in my room lying on my bed with an ice pack on my head.

I start to ask myself some personal questions to make sure I didn't have a concussion. Nope no concussion!

I wondered if what just happened was true. My mom walked into the room with a tray of food, she saw that I was awake.

"how are you feeling Jack?" Asked my mom setting the tray down at then end of my bed.

"I feel fine, but what about Sadie? how is she?!" Mom was quiet thinking how she should answer the question. she answered with a worried and solemn face.

"Jack, promise me you wont freak out." I looked at her like she was crazy, when you say something like that he's bound to freak out! "Mom it's me your talking to! of course I'm going to freak out!"

My mom looked more nervous than ever! "Ok here it goes... Sadie has been kidnapped by the Whitney Robbers."
they have Sadie! I was shocked. what did they want with her?!

I was so shocked I was ready to pass out. It was time I asked my mother the very question that has been bugging me for the past few years.

"Mom, how did dad die?" Ms. Ellis looked as though she didn't know but also very surprised.

"honey, your dad didn't die... he left us." ok now I should have passed out but I didn't. I thought dad died when I was six... in car accident... by a drunk driver!

she lied to me?! she lied to Ryan?! what else did she hid from us? is my name really jack? or is it something like Fernando?

I didn't care what else she hid from us, all I knew and cared about, was that I rescue Sadie.

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