Chapter 8- the fight pt. 2

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We get caught. together."


We jumped off the box and started walking to the end of the row. I slipped my fingers in jacks hand intwining them together.

He squeezed my hand in a reassuring way. "we'll be fine. I promise."

I nodded my head. But I still wasn't sure that we will be fine. I mean, who knows what these guys are up to! And what they want from us.

"Look! There they are! GRAB THEM!"

I heard a voice shout.
From the behind I was grabbed and my wrists tied behind my back, but yet I didn't struggle.

They had jack too but he was struggling against the restraints. when he looked at me, he stopped struggling.

"C'mon walk!" One said commanding us to move our feet.
The man who had me whispered something in my ear.

My eyes widened at what he said. I just nodded my head and kept my eyes forward as they dragged us away.


We kept walking for what seemed like hours, when really we were walking for minutes. soon enough we were back in the center of the maze.

And standing in the middle with his back to us, the ex dad.
He turned around rubbing his chin.

"Ah you found them! Perfect! just drop them right there. uh actually put the girl down first, hold the boy."

The guy pushed me closer to the center and pushed me to the ground.

I landed on the side of my arm and I let out a hiss of pain and rolled onto my back crushing my hands.

"Aw it's so nice seeing my little girl in pain!" He said kneeling down to me.

I lifted my head off the cold dirt floor. "I'm not your little girl" I spat out.
"So stubborn..." he said lifting my chin.
"Just like her mother..."

He lifted his hand and slapped me across the cheek. I bit my cheek and I tasted blood.

I heard jack groan against his restraints. "Hey! Don't touch her!" He said through gritted teeth.

"What did I say! Keep him quiet!" Ex dad said, growling at his men.
I heard an 'oof' and lifted my head to look behind me.

Jack was bent over in pain. I saw a man step back and crack his knuckles.
"Please... don't hurt him..." I said in a hoarse voice trying to sound confident but that obviously failed.

"Ok boys! Torture time!" He said in a sing- song voice completely ignoring my plead.

The men who had Jack shuffled him closer and threw him on the ground beside me. he let out a groan and looked over at me and mouthed 'I'm sorry'

I nodded my head and forced a small smile.
Ex dad knelt down to my level.
"Prepare yourself baby."

I spat my blood in his face. he wiped it off and let out an evil chuckle.
"Oh darling..." He said "you have no. Idea. What. You. Just. Did." he said in a growl.

"Boys! Begin." six men walked over, three went to my side and three went to Jacks. But 5 stood back strangely...

I felt a pain in my back and I let out a cry as I felt another.
They kept kicking and kicking us and they wouldn't stop.

After what seemed like ages and ages of punching, kicking, and crying, my body could no longer feel any pain. I felt numb. I wanted it to stop, after a while of it I stopped begging and just cried in pain.

"Ok boys that's enough, I hate cleaning blood off the floor..." ex dad said.
I was out of breath and I was struggling to breathe. My eyes felt like lead and It was getting hard to keep them open.

I turned my head over to look at Jack to see how bad he looked, he was sporting a bruised cheek, a cut lip, and was coughing up lots of blood.

"Aw, such a pity..." ex dad said kneeling over me. "you could've joined us, then nothing would have happened to you or your little boy toy. oh well... everything happens for a reason."

He stood up and pulled out a gun, he loaded the gun and pointed it at my head.

"Well I had a pretty good 18 years..."

"FREEZE!" A voice called out. a shot rang out and I say ex dad drop the gun and fall on the floor clutching his upper thigh.

"FBI NOBODY MOVE!" The five men who stayed back during our beating stepped forward with their guns pointed at the six remaining men.

The man who had me when we got caught pulled out a walkie and started saying codes into it.
I heard sirens in the distance, and I couldn't help but smile.

Thank you God.

Two FBI agents came running to us and untied me and Jack.

"Thank you. thank you. thank you." I said starting to cry. the numbness was gone but was replaced by pain.

They helped us up but a shot rang out once again. I looked around trying to see who was shot.

I felt an odd pain in my lower back. I realized that I was the one who got shot. I let out a scream and fell on the floor. the cop dropped me and laid me on the floor.

I looked at Jack with tears in my eyes. he ran over to my side shaking me, telling me to stay awake, to stay with him.

I stopped Looking into his amazing eyes when I saw ex dad fire the gun again. this time Jack was the one to fall to the ground next to me.

"No... Jack..." I said weakly, rolling over to his side laying on his chest. his eyes closed and I felt his breathing get light.

My eyes fought to stay open as I lay in a big pool of blood; mine and jacks.
"Stay with me..." I whispered
Before darkness took me.

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