Chapter 2

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That night I could not sleep, I had so many things to go over in my head. It was crazy!

First: how the hell were we going to attack burglars? They will most likely have some sort of weapon! Wait, we are old enough to have a weapons license...

I quickly ran over to my lock box which I kept all my money in (I started keeping my money in there since the first robbery)

I put in the combination and counted out the bills. Ok I have 99 dollars, Except if I wanted to get a bow and arrows, I needed $110, but if I wanted a quiver to hold the arrows (which I do)

then I needed 10 more dollars. How am I suppose to make 20 dollars in one night?! I can barely make a dollar a day!

I quickly called Jack using the cell number he gave me and explained what I was thinking "how will you explain this to your mother? Hi mom, guess what I need to buy a weapon so I can defend myself against the Whitney Robbers!"

said Jack sarcastically. "I guess your right it does sound crazy, but how will we defend ourself? I am so sure that they will have guns!"

jack didn't answer for a few minutes then he said "So Sadie, let me ask you this. Are you ok with killing someone? I ask because, the way you explain it, it sounds like your ok with going through with taking someone's life away."

I was shocked. I didn't even think about that. I decided to just "wing it" with my answer. "Jack I'm not a murderer, I just want us to be safe, the most I will do is maim them!"

jack then replied "I just don't want to see a pretty girl like you getting hurt, in trouble, or going to jail guilty."

after that he hung up. I felt my skin get warm, I was blushing. I have never, ever blushed before in my life. I kinda liked it. This is a feeling I will never forget.

Next morning I woke up and I felt really giddy because

1: I was excited to start to work on figuring out what those goons are up to and why their doing it.

2: I get to work with Jack on it.

The first thing I want to discuss with him is how to defend ourselves.

I put on my favorite mess-around T-shirt and a pair of ripped jean shorts

I grabbed my high tops and ran down stairs for breakfast. Jack told me to show up at around 11:00. After a quick breakfast I decided to wander around the house a little bit.

I decided to go out to the pool area and put my feet in the ice cold water of the pool. I started to just stare into the woods behind the house.

I noticed something shiny looking hanging on a branch of a birch tree. I walked over there slowly and curiously.

When I was there I realized what it was, it was the bow and a medium sized quiver stuffed with around maybe 50 arrows!

I was shocked this is exactly what I wanted to buy, But couldn't afford! Whoever sent this I am eternally grateful to them!

I grabbed everything off the branch, the bow the quiver of arrows, I ran over to Jack's, I honestly didn't care if I was early I just needed to show him right then and there I ran over as fast as I could.

I rang the door bell, I was gasping for air. After i caught my breath finally I heard someone say "I got it!" the door opened and it was Ryan,

I hid the archery equipment behind my back and asked if Jack was home Ryan called out "Jack! Sadie's here!" Jack replied

"Ok tell her I'll be down in a minute!" Ryan invited me in and asked me if Grace could play, I told him yes she just needs to unpack one last box.

When Jack came down he said "Sadie, your early." he looked kind of shocked. I replied

"Sorry, but it couldn't wait." I pulled out the archery things. He looked like so surprised like it he entered a surprise party for him.

"How the hell did you get that?!" he looked almost made at me I told him the entire story of how I found them.

"do you know who left them?" he asked "I dont know, they didn't leave a note." I realized something about my bow, it had a name engraved on it.

It said SADIE in a very fancy print.
"Hey Jack look at this..." "Whoa, that's your name." I was in total shock.

Who ever left the archery equipment, is someone that I know. It doesn't make sense though. I know that I will find out soon enough.

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