Bakugo's eyes darted away for a second before he seemed to will himself. Their eyes locked and Bakugo spoke.

"I want you to be my number one." The words were uttered quickly, and quietly, but it was unmistakable the feeling Bakugo put behind them.

Kirishima's eyes widened, taking a moment to process. "Your... number one?"

"Yeah." He grunted, leaning back a bit and running his fingers loosely through his sand colored spikes. "I don't want you working with some shit B-Lister. You're better than that... I want you to be with me. I'm... I'm gonna be starting my own agency after graduation... and I want you to work there with me."

"Like, as a sidekick?"

"No, dipshit... As my partner."

The last word was left hanging, Bakugo's eyes were guarded, yet also glimmering with a sparkle of what Kirishima could only call, hope.

His partner. He wants me as his partner.

"I love you." The words popped from Kirishima's mouth before he could stop them, his eyes watering as he thrust himself onto the blonde, pulling his arms tightly around his broad shoulders.

"So, yes?" Kirishima could hear the smile in his voice, clear relief evident to him even without even needing to look at his features.

"Yes! Yes all the way! ... partner." The word was new to Kirishima, but it felt so right. In a way, they had been partners from the very beginning. Just saying it aloud felt completely natural to him.

Bakugo's lips crashed into his with such a force that he was sent tumbling backwards on the bed.

"Kat-" The word was gasped as Bakugo loomed over him, his spiked locks now hanging slightly off his forehead as he planted his hands on either side of him, stealing the air from Kirishima's lungs like he had been socked in the gut.

"I love you too," Bakugo grumbled, his eyes shining with a light Kirishima had never seen before. Kirishima felt his heart swell, feeling as though it was hammering out of control as he rushed up to meet Bakugo's lips again. Those words lit a spark that soon transformed into a burning flame, consuming every single fiber of his being. He felt warmth blossom and ignite with every rough stroke of Bakugo's hands, every soft tug to his hair, burning brighter and brighter with only one word screaming through his mind.

Partner. His partner.

Bakugo panted, raising his head and pressing firmly on the red head's shoulders.

"Lay down, bastard," He huffed, leaning in towards his face again before snapping from the dazed trance his eyes had been locked into. "Let me... Let me have you. All of you."

His breathing was rough, as it normally would be after a particularly intense sparring session. Unlike in the halls or stairwells, or even in the classroom, Bakugo's emotions were clearly written in every small line of his face, the slight arc to his eyebrows, the bottom lip caught slightly between white teeth, the crimson eyes ablaze and burning with something too deep for Kirishima to even comprehend in that moment.

"I've always been yours." Kirishima said at last, weaving his hand through Bakugo's hair and pulling him on top of him, falling gently back to the bed and groaning at the press of Bakugo's hand to the now more prominent bulge just beginning to push up at his school uniform.

Passion on Display [KiriBaku]Where stories live. Discover now