A Little Bit of Pocky

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Kirishima's mind was whirling as their group tumbled out of the crowded taxi and into the brisk air of UA's campus. Their evening so far had been incredible, and Kirishima couldn't wipe the toothy grin off his face.

"You guys it's only like 10:30 and there's no school tomorrow... want to hang out in my room?" Mina's eyes were sparkling as she spoke, and Kirishima glanced back at the others in their group. Kaminari and Sero instantly agreed, however Bakugo and Jiro seemed less enthusiastic.

"Come on bro! It'll be fun!" Kirishima chirped. Bakugo's eyebrow twitched upwards, but he didn't speak. He let out a small huff of air and readjusted the red stuffed dinosaur in his arms.


If the others noted his change in attitude, they didn't comment. Together they all migrated into UA Alliance.


Stepping into Mina's hot pink bedroom, the group made themselves comfortable. They had all changed into more comfortable pajamas, and it had taken a lot of convincing to keep Bakugo and Jiro from remaining in their rooms for the night. As soon as they had entered the room, Jiro had snuggled down into a beanbag and closed her eyes immediately. Kaminari let out a low chuckle at that, plopping himself into the circular chair in the corner of the room. The rest of their squad found places to sit, forming a rough circle of people.

"Alright, idiots." Bakugo growled from next to him, his eyes bleary and tired. "You'd better have something interesting planned if you're going to keep me up all night after dragging me to your stupid event." His voice seemed angry, but Kirishima knew better than that. The blonde's hand was still tightly gripping his own, he had grabbed it on their walk down to Mina's room, his eyes scanning the halls as they went. His body had been taught as though he was in high alert.

Kirishima let his eyes wander over the angry blonde, taking in his slightly disheveled state and smiling quietly. Bakugo was wearing a loose black tank top and bright orange boxer shorts, his hair messed up, no doubt from him quickly changing out of his fancy outfit.

Things had gotten pretty heated between them recently. It was as if all of his dreams were coming true. After the incident at Hero Development day, Kirishima was sure that he had lost his closet friend. Now they were even closer than before. Hell, they were officially together now. The red head paused in his musings, stroking his thumb gently over his boyfriend's hand. Would Bakugo want to tell their class? Or would he be more comfortable keeping their relationship private? Kirishima had found that he himself was a bad liar, and was terrible at hiding things. Would he be able to keep such a big secret? While he hadn't let go of his hand in front of the others, and even kissed him in front of them at the restaurant, Kirishima knew that Bakugo would only do so because he truly trusted their group of friends. Whether he admitted it out loud or not.

Kirishima tilted his head, ears deaf to the noise of the arguing chatter as the group debated what games they would play that would be worthy of Bakugo's time. He ran his eyes over the angry blonde's scrunched expression, and felt an exasperated smile tug at his lips. He scooted a bit closer, noticing when Bakugo's eyes shifted from the argument and up towards him. Kirishima had found that Bakugo, even while holding a snarl, could show a lot through his eyes. His crimson eyes had softened a bit when looking at him, and he noticed a faint tint of pink that touched his cheeks and ears before he snapped his head away with a 'tch'.

Kirishima settled into a more comfortable position, with his arm out behind him for support. He sighed, slipping into thought once more. Kirishima knew that Bakugo would want the best for his reputation. He may not care about it now, making scenes and screaming in public, but later down the line he would definitely care about how he was seen as a hero. They both would care.

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