Hitting the Showers

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Kirishima blinked open his eyes at the bright sunlight pouring into the room.

What time is it?

He moved to sit up, but felt a heavy weight crushing him into his mattress. Waking up more fully, Kirishima turned his head and took in the boy laying on top of him. His ruffled ash blonde hair tickled Kirishima's nose, and he watched his chest rising and falling slowly. Bakugo's face was pressed into his bare shoulder, and he could feel each tingling, hot exhale from his lips.

He yawned, leaning back into his pillow before attempting to recall the events of last night. His mind still foggy with sleep, it took him a moment before his eyes fluttered wide open.

He remembered.

I fucked Bakugo Katsuki?!?!

The shark toothed boy felt a giddy lightheadedness envelope him. Had that really happened? He must have shifted a bit too much, because he heard Bakugo groan next to him, his crimson sleep glazed eyes slitting open halfway as he squinted at Kirishima. "Fucker, why did you wake me up?" he growled, frustration clear in his drowsy voice.

Kirishima chuckled softly, bringing his hand to gently brush the mess of ash blonde hair off his face. Bakugo's eyes widened slightly at this before he muttered an expletive, blushing and rolling over.

Kirishima cuddled up behind him, letting his body spoon the other boy who was too tired to brush him off. They lay there for another half hour, enjoying each other's body heat before an obnoxious alarm went off on Kirishima's phone.  Kirishima sat up, untangled himself, and stumbled to his feet. Stepping out of bed and already missing the warmth of Bakugo's back.

He looked around a bit before pulling up his boxers from the floor, yanking his phone from their pocket and glancing down at the alarm.


The redhead sighed, turning to Bakugo who was still laying down, eyeing him in irritation.

"It's time for my Sunday workout." He chirped meekly, before walking back over to the bed. "Want to join me?"

Bakugo groaned, scrubbing his face with the palms of his hands. He moved to sit up. "Sure, just let me-ah!" His face was twisted in a grimace as he flopped back down on his mattress.

Kirishima felt his heart twist in worry. Bakugo snapped up at him. "Fucker, my ass hurts, did you have to go so hard?!"

"Hey, you asked for it, man!"

Bakugo groaned, attempting to sit up again before resigning to his fate and laying flat on the mattress. It was then that the secondary alarm on Kirishima's phone went off, warning him to wake up.

"I can skip the workout if you want me to stay here." He smiled down at the groaning blonde.

"Fuck no. I'm not some weakling, you need to work out. Go pump iron or whatever, I'll get up eventually."

"Are you sure Bakugo? I can-"

"For fucks sake Eijiro, your dick's been up my ass, you can call me Katsuki." Bakugo growled, closing his eyes.

"Oh! Right, Katsuki, I can stay if-"

"JUST GO IDIOT!" Bakugo roared, hurling a pillow at Kirishima's head. He laughed as he made his hasty retreat to the school gym, stopping first at his room to grab his gym clothes and toiletries.

What a guy. He sighed internally, his mind like a bowl of hot, gooey, jelly, as he made his way towards the gym.


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