Plans by Bedside

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In the next several hours that followed Bakugo's trial, he and Kirishima were inseparable. The two had stuck close during a silent dinner and finally ended up in Bakugo's room.  They were cuddled up together in bed, propped up against the headboard in a sea of blankets and pillows.

"Hey Bakugo?"

Bakugo paused the YoTube video they had been watching, his deep red eyes looking expectantly into the bright red of Kirishima's.

"Can we... can we watch the video? Mina deleted it off my phone and I haven't had the balls to look it up. If you don't want to that's fine, I mean, I don't want to upset you or anything. I just kind of want to see what Mineta got from it."

Bakugo grunted, shifting his weight and leaning forward to type into the YoTube search bar.

"Shit, I don't fucking know what to type."

He clicked out of it, moving to look for the trending bar. He was about to hit the small flame icon when Kirishima pulled at his hand, scrolling down into his recommendations.

Recommended because you liked "Gay" and "Superhero News"

Kirishima ducked to avoid an explosion to the face.


Kirishima laughed at the redness in Bakugo's face before pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

"Baku, I definitely know you're gay. You don't have to get defensive." Kirishima couldn't help the humored grin that tugged at his lips.

Bakugo slumped his shoulders, grumbling to himself before looking at what Kirishima was pointing at.

"I only stopped you because I saw your hair." Kirishima's voice had grown more serious now, an edge of nervousness evident in the way he fiddled with the camouflage blanket wrapped around them.

Bakugo said nothing, simply clicking on the thumbnail and grasping for his boyfriend's hand under the blanket. Their hands were both large and rough, but fit perfectly together. Bakugo couldn't stop himself from fondly rubbing his fingers over Kirishima's knuckles.

King Explosion Murder and Red Riot Making Out During Drills - Not Clickbait! (Original Video)

The video started out shaky, the view spinning up from the green grass and into a view of their pro hero battle. He had to admit that he felt a bizarre uneasiness seeing their battle from afar like this. Kirishima watched silently as the view from the camera zoomed slowly closer to what could clearly be seen as Bakugo and Kirishima, lying in the dirt. The person recording, presumably Mineta, made their way closer and small snippets of what Bakugo was saying could be caught over the chaotic sounds of battle from all around them. His face was flushed, and his eyes had a definitive pink tint to them. Kirishima's flustered stammering could be heard as well as Bakugo's figure dipped down to kiss him again.

Bakugo shifted next to Kirishima, evidently embarrassed from the sexual babbling coming from his laptop. Kirishima tightened his grip on the blonde's hand, but remained focused on the video.

Sorry Bakugo, but I really need to see this.

The camera shifted slightly, and it was easier to see Bakugo grinding his hips down on top of Kirishima, leaving sloppy kisses and bites across his face and neck and groaning out words of pleasure.

Kirishima glanced over at his boyfriend. Bakugo was staring at the wall, splotches of red across his face, neck, and ears. With a puff of breath, Kirishima paused the video, scrolling his mouse down the the comments with one hand, and rubbing small circles on Bakugo's palm with the other.

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